It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.
Main Entrance Dialogue[]
(#0) Gatekeeper: Halt, state your business! (→ #1)
(#1) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Hi, Nindiria. I am back from scouting Cierzo, let me in, yes? (→ #2)
- 1: I need to speak with your leaders immediately. I would like to join your crew. (→ #6)
- 2: I’m just passing by, sorry, I’ll leave. (→ #7)
- 3: I'm here to kill you. (→ end)
(#2) Gatekeeper: You think I’m stupid, prijpi-brain? I remember you from just a minute ago! You are clearly a spy! Do you know what we do to spies here in Vendavel? (→ end)
(#3) Gatekeeper: I hope you brought good news. Go make your report to Captain Rospa right away! He has moved to the training room, go left, then right, then up the stairs. (→ end)
(#4) Gatekeeper: You are not one of us! Get out of here before I lock you up! (→ #5)
(#5) Gatekeeper: Hey! I remember you! You’re that troublemaker! How did you get out of the prison? Guards! (→ end)
(#6) Gatekeeper: Balira, the mage of winds, will see if you are trustworthy. Go right, then up the stairs and elevator. If you do not impress her, we will find suitable work for you! (→ end)
(#7) Gatekeeper: Taspo, yes, go. Before I change my mind. Forget you saw anything. (→ end)
Prison Guard Dialogue[]
(#0) Prison Keeper: Hey! Get to work! If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Without pay, you can’t buy food! (→ #1)
(#1) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I want out of this place! (→ #2)
- 1: Is there other work I can do aside from mining? (→ #7)
- 2: Let me out or you die. (→ #8)
- 3: I'm hungry. (→ #9)
- 4: Farewell. (→ end)
(#2) Prison Keeper: Hah, you want to leave! Aren’t there some errands you can do around here? Be useful to us and we can talk again about your freedom. (→ end)
(#3) Prison Keeper: Well, I could always use some more coins to buy myself a drink... How much is your freedom worth? (→ #4)
(#4) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I’ve got 30 silver for you. (→ #5)
- 1: I don’t have much money... (→ #6)
- 2: I’m leaving. (→ end)
(#5) Prison Keeper: I suppose that'll do. Alright, into the sack, prisoner. You'll be carted out hidden with today's corpses. Don't make a peep and you'll get out alive. (→ end)
(#6) Prison Keeper: Pah, you think that measly pile of silver is going to convince me? Get back to work, slacker, before I discipline you or throw you down “The Hole”! You’re not getting out for anything less than 30! (→ end)
(#7) Prison Keeper: Yeah, the cook and medic could use a hand. Go on through. But if you put one toe out of line, we'll drag you back here and teach you a lesson. (→ end)
(#8) Prison Keeper: I love it when you slaves say that. Everyone, gather 'round! Come see what happens if you cause trouble! (→ end)
(#9) Prison Keeper: If you need something to drink, there's a pool of water just over there. Meals are 5 silver. Get to work before you starve! (→ #10)
(#10) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I’ll pay 5 silver for dinner. (→ #11)
- 1: I don't have enough... (→ #12)
(#11) Prison Keeper: Enjoy your meal, prisoner. If you behave yourself, I can let you into the hallway just outside. Then, you can make your own food in the kitchen and drink clean water from the barrel on the left. (→ end)
(#12) Prison Keeper: Then you'd better get to work, if you don't want to starve. (→ end)
(#13) Prison Keeper: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ end)