Outward Wiki
Outward Wiki

Is this "If there's no effect, sleep for seven days in a city or dungeon to reset the exterior area." and this "If you hit upon the same color as an elemental you've already killed, repeat until it changes to one you haven't encountered." (still) correct? The release notes for the patch from January 27th 2021 say "Elementals in the Antique Plateau now properly spawn." The reason why i'm asking: I was doing the puzzle today, i got lucky with the first 4 fire colors and every time it was a new color, so i went to kill the elemental. When i went to check for the 5th color (green in this case) the fire wasn't lit. According to the wiki page that would mean i'd need to reset the area and probably start the whole annoying hunt over from scratch. So i did the "go to the main menu and back into the game again to change the color" thing a few times. After about 4 tries, i had the green fire i was looking for, until then the fire wasn't lit at all. To me it looks like the fire isn't lit if the elemental is already dead, which would make a lot of sense since it could save the player a lot of hassle looking for an elemental they already killed or that was killed by other monsters. On the other hand, the fire was still lit in the same color when i went back to the fire without going through a loading screen after killing an elemental... Although it could be that the fire only updates in a loading screen, even if the update in question is to remove the fire. Naryoril (talk) 20:26, 9 June 2021 (UTC)

Hey! To be honest, I'm not entirely sure, that information was provided by some users in the Discord when the puzzle was being figured out but it likely has changed since the bugfix patches. I think it would be best to ask the developers themselves in Discord or on the Steam discussion forums to get the correct information and/or report any bugs that still remain, I would do that but having never done the puzzle myself it might be better for someone else to ask them about it. Or if you feel comfortable updating the page with the information you've figured out, I'd be totally fine with that. Outlandersinai (talk) 14:05, 10 June 2021 (UTC)
Are the devs open to spilling the beans of stuff like that? If so, that would probably be the most reliable source. Naryoril (talk) 17:36, 10 June 2021 (UTC)
Yeah they're normally pretty open about it all, especially if it's no longer a secret or if there might be bugs involved. I think Discord is probably the easiest way, their server is discord.gg/outward. Best way would be to make a post in the #bug-discussion channel about it with as much detail as possible. The devs dont always reply but they will definitely read it. Or you can always send Keos a message, he's always helpful. Outlandersinai (talk) 06:53, 12 June 2021 (UTC)