Simple Tent
Item Details
Class |
Type |
Effects |
-5% Stamina cost of actions
Buy |
Sell |
Object ID |
Simple Tent is a type of tent in Outward, used for Resting.
Well-made tent that helps protect against the weather, compared to a bedroll. Sleeping in this tent gives a small bonus to stamina use.
Grants the "Sleep: Simple Tent" buff:
Icon | Name | Duration | Effects |
| Sleep: Simple Tent | 2400 seconds (40 minutes) | |
Sleep: Simple Tent
Type |
Effects |
Duration |
2400 seconds (40 minutes)
Acquired From[]
Unique Sources
Merchant Sources
Loot Container Sources
Source | Quantity | Chance | Locations |
Adventurer's Corpse | 1 | 6.9% | The Slide, Ziggurat Passage |
Chest | 1 | 6.9% | Abandoned Living Quarters, Abrassar, Ancestor's Resting Place, Bandit Hideout, Bandits' Prison, Chersonese, Corsair's Headquarters, Dead Roots, Destroyed Test Chambers, Dock's Storage, Electric Lab, Enmerkar Forest, Forest Hives, Forgotten Research Laboratory, Ghost Pass, Giants' Village, Hallowed Marsh, Heroic Kingdom's Conflux Path, Holy Mission's Conflux Path, Immaculate's Camp, Jade Quarry, Levant, Mansion's Cellar, Necropolis, Oil Refinery, River's End, Spire of Light, Tree Husk, Undercity Passage, Vigil Pylon, Voltaic Hatchery |
Corpse | 1 | 6.9% | Abrassar, Blister Burrow, Blood Mage Hideout, Destroyed Test Chambers, Forgotten Research Laboratory |
Hollowed Trunk | 1 | 6.9% | Antique Plateau, Enmerkar Forest, Hallowed Marsh, Hive Trap, Reptilian Lair |
Junk Pile | 1 | 6.9% | Abandoned Living Quarters, Abandoned Storage, Abrassar, Ancestor's Resting Place, Ancient Foundry, Ark of the Exiled, Berg, Cabal of Wind Temple, Caldera, Cierzo (Destroyed), Corrupted Cave, Corrupted Tombs, Dark Ziggurat Interior, Destroyed Test Chambers, Electric Lab, Face of the Ancients, Ghost Pass, Harmattan, Heroic Kingdom's Conflux Path, Levant, Lost Golem Manufacturing Facility, Mansion's Cellar, Monsoon, Montcalm Clan Fort, Necropolis, Oil Refinery, Oily Cavern, Old Sirocco, Ruined Outpost, Steam Bath Tunnels, Stone Titan Caves, Sulphuric Caverns, The Eldest Brother, The Grotto of Chalcedony, The Slide, Vendavel Fortress, Vigil Pylon, Ziggurat Passage |
Knight's Corpse | 1 | 6.9% | Captain's Cabin, Corrupted Tombs, Damp Hunter's Cabin, Jade Quarry, The Grotto of Chalcedony, Under Island |
Looter's Corpse | 1 | 6.9% | Abandoned Living Quarters, Ancient Foundry, Bandit Hideout, Royal Manticore's Lair, Wendigo Lair |
Ornate Chest | 1 | 6.9% | Dead Tree, Vendavel Fortress, Voltaic Hatchery |
Soldier's Corpse | 1 | 6.9% | Ancient Hive, Dead Roots, Heroic Kingdom's Conflux Path |
Stash | 1 | 6.9% | Berg |
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See also[]