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Sand Corsairs
Quest Giver
Heroic Kingdom
Quest Type
Main Quest
Previous Quest
Tending the Flame
Next Quest
Mouths to Feed

Sand Corsairs is the second faction quest for The Heroic Kingdom of Levant in Outward, and the fifth in the series of main quests.


  1. Talk to Cyrene, in the city of Levant, in the Abrassar desert.
  2. Go to Levant's slums and find information on the Sand Corsairs.
    • Option 1: Duel Markus
      • Markus is found in the western area of the Slums. Duel him for 50 SilverIcon
      • Choose option Tex men talkIcon 2: "You seem shady enough. I'm looking for some information.", enter the Undercity Passage and fight him.
      • When you defeat him, you are rewarded with 100 SilverIcon silver.
    • Option 2: Bribe Dawne
      • Choose option Tex men talkIcon 2: "Where did you get that food?"
      • Offer her 50 SilverIcon or 100 SilverIcon silver (if you offer 100, you receive a Desert Khopesh)
  3. Interrogate the scouts inside a fort in Abrassar. Go south of Levant, then west into a valley.
    • Head to Ruined Outpost south-west of Levant
    • Threaten the Blue Chamber Scout with option Tex men talkIcon 2, then quickly leave when combat begins.
  4. Speak to Yzan in Levant
  5. Head to The Slide, use the entrance near the Parched Shipwrecks
    • Take the path on the right to a metal gate
    • Head through the gate, past the bandits, up the stairs on your right, and out into Old Levant
  6. Go directly south to the Corsair's Headquarters and enter
    • Defeat the two bandits, then talk to Zagis
    • Option 1: Fight Zagis
      • Choose option Tex men talkIcon 1: "Then the only way my people will be safe is to kill you. Defend yourself, Zagis!"
    • Option 2: Convince him to surrender
      • Choose option Tex men talkIcon 2: "Then surrender honorably. Take responsibility for your actions, and end this conflict before your people end up slaughtered!"
  7. Leave the headquarters and walk a short distance forward
  8. Talk to Yzan
    • You can choose a favor from Clayton.
      • If you choose option Tex men talkIcon 1: "Double your food deliviers...", you help the Slums and extend the timer for Mouths to Feed
      • If you choose option Tex men talkIcon 2: "The best kind of favor..." you save yourself 300 SilverIcon silver in Mouths to Feed
  9. Talk to Cyrene to complete the quest. Take the convoy back to Levant if you wish.


From Cyrene:

From Clayton:

  • Either a 300 SilverIcon silver favor in Mouths to Feed, or the timer for Mouths to Feed is extended and you help the Slums.

If you convinced Zagis to surrender:

See Also[]
