It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.
(#0) Immaculate: So...Come to slay us, have you? You were foolish to come without help, human! (→ #1)
(#1) Multiple-choice:
- 0: No I’m not! I’m here to help you! I work with Gregory Turnbull! (→ #2)
(#2) Immaculate: True, we did come here to receive his aid in ridding us of our instinct to hate and kill our natural enemy. But nearly a full moon we have waited, and now men with spells and steel gather outside our cave with intent to kill. We are clearly betrayed! (→ #3)
(#3) Multiple-choice:
- 0: You’re not betrayed! I’m here to help you escape! (→ #4)
- 1: I swear, I have nothing to do with those men outside! (→ #4)
(#4) Immaculate: Is that so? Humans so often claim all Immaculates are the same, yet when we are cornered like vermin, you want us to tell the difference between which human is friend and which is foe? (→ #5)
(#5) Immaculate: Why should we trust in you to be any different from those men? Why do you claim to want to help us overcome our killing urge? Why do you CARE, human? We are monsters to your kind! (→ #6)
(#6) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Less humans will be killed by Scourge. The end of this war benefits everyone. (→ #7)
- 1: Even your mortal enemy would prefer peace. Elatt would give your kin a chance. (→ #20)
- 2: It’s called human decency. Some of us really do care. (→ #21)
(#7) Immaculate: Hmph. A rational reason, then. I can understand that. It is the same for me. My species is finite. Every human who slays an Immaculate robs the world of their unique voice, thoughts and perspectives. I wish only for the slaying to stop. (→ #8)
(#8) Immaculate: We have been taken advantage of before, by people who promised us freedom from our instinctual shackles. Every time, we have either faced disappointment, or worse, betrayal. What makes you think that this time it will be different? (→ #9)
(#9) Multiple-choice:
- 0: The Arcane Dean is the best mage we have. He can already control an Illuminator. (→ #10)
- 1: Sorobor has more resources and knowledge than anyone. We CAN make it work. (→ #18)
- 2: It’s your only shot at survival. If you don’t change, the war will eventually end you all. (→ #19)
(#10) Immaculate: Can he now? He can control the lowest and weakest of us Scourge like a common pet? Does he really think he will have such success with my kin? To turn us all into his pawns? The language you use, human, it is telling of your master’s motives. (→ #11)
(#11) Immaculate: Even if Turnbull can help us...What do you humans intend to do if you succeed in removing our deepest instinct? Will we be freed from our chains, only to find our unity shattered, and easy pickings for your warriors to slay? (→ #12)
(#12) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I can’t promise there will be peace, even if I personally want it. (→ #13)
- 1: Well, I guess you’ll be just like us, won’t you? You’d be like any other human tribe. (→ #16)
- 2: I could ask the same. Will your kin use their freedom to betray us, or work with us? (→ #17)
(#13) Immaculate: A fair answer. I cannot promise that our kind will choose a life of peace either. This fills neither of us with confidence... (→ #14)
(#14) Immaculate: I will give you and the human Turnbull this chance, then. I will come with you. But you must clear a path for my kin to escape. Those men outside the cave will try to kill us the moment we step outside. (→ end)
(#15) Immaculate: I remain unconvinced. In fact, I believe you were sent here to stall for time, so those men could better spring their trap. You have made your final mistake, human! (→ end)
(#16) Immaculate: So you would assimilate us? Remove what makes us different? There is little difference from that, and using us as your pawns. You dare to think you have that right? It is no wonder you think you can change our very nature! (→ #14)
(#17) Immaculate: I do not have an answer either, human. Many want nothing more than solitude, others revel in their violent instincts, others obey it merely because they know no alternative. I suppose unpredictability is the curse of freedom we would both share... (→ #14)
(#18) Immaculate: ...So, you are saying that if this last attempt fails, we can give up all hope? Even if this fails, then, it has merit. Whether we are freed, or whether we can cast aside all false hope, I will be able to make peace with my existence... I am tempted, human. (→ #11)
(#19) Immaculate: Ssss...You strike deeply at my two hearts, human. But this is the truth. The war can only end with our destruction, or a change so great that humanity must re-assess their views of us. It is a grave risk, but one that makes sense to me. (→ #11)
(#20) Immaculate: HHHHSSSSS! Speak not the enemy’s name again, or I will rend your arteries from your flesh and pour the marrow from your bones over my head! ...Even the mere mention of the enemy’s name instills in me a rage I cannot contain! (→ #8)
(#21) Immaculate: HAH. I have encountered precisely one kindhearted human being in my hundred years as Immaculate. Why would they name such a thing human decency if it’s not shared by most humans? Perhaps it just means “humans being decent to humans”, hmmm? (→ #8)
(#0) Immaculate: Your Turnbull is not gentle in his magical prodding. I can only hope he finds the solution he seeks before my patience wears out... (→ #1)
(#1) Multiple-choice:
- 0: It’s noble of you to want to “fix” yourself. (→ #2)
- 1: You called those other Immaculates your Kin... Are they...Family? (→ #4)
- 2: So, you know that what drives you to kill is the effect of a spell, right? (→ #7)
- 3: What will you do if we fail? (→ #9)
(#2) Immaculate: Hmph. Don’t patronize me, human. I find it...Upsetting that my nature drives me to kill and maim. Ending life relieves my suffering, yes, but it hurts something deep inside me. Some ancient memory that is forever just inches from my grasp. (→ #3)
(#3) Immaculate: I gave up long ago on recollecting what I was before I awoke as Immaculate. All that matters is what I do with my life in the present moment. And what I want is peace. Freedom. The chance to create a future for myself of my own choosing. (→ end)
(#4) Immaculate: Family...That word is familiar, but I’m not certain. All Immaculates can tell one another apart without need for names, or personal connection to one another. We form packs based on shared goals or ideas. So...No, they are not “family”. (→ #5)
(#5) Immaculate: I suppose I call other Immaculates my kin because we CAN form these bonds with one another. I pity the Grotesques...They may share our physical form, but they lack the ability to feel, and think as we do. It...Unsettles me to be honest. (→ #6)
(#6) Immaculate: I am thankful I was spared that fate. To see a mirror image of myself, a mindless animal motivated only by our killing urge...It is one of the reasons I decided I must find a way to cast off these magical shackles and become free. (→ end)
(#7) Immaculate: Yes, Turnbull proved it to me. I should be enraged, but instead, I feel only anguish. My freedom is shackled, because a human made it so. And yet...I feel like we were never intended. Like we are some unhappy mistake that should never have been. (→ #8)
(#8) Immaculate: Whomever created us...They had no right to meddle with such primal magic. No living being deserves our fate.. None would want to be a slave to such a spell, to be hunted and feared for something that was never your fault to begin with. (→ end)
(#9) Immaculate: Hmph. Do everything you can, human. Because should this fail, I will have no choice but to accept that there is no salvation for my kind. Perhaps I will have to accept that only way I will know peace is to slay what cannot be slain. (→ #10)
(#10) Immaculate: Hmm...No. I suppose I would retreat from the world to wait in solitude until time finally claims me. I am weary of violence and pain, and this impossible task my Kin and I are bound to. (→ end)
(#11) Immaculate: Ugh...This feels...Wrong. I feel like parts of my body are trying to burst out of me...Whatever Turnbull is doing is at least having some effect... (→ end)
(#12) Runed Immaculate: Ah. It is good to see you again. I look at these teachings of the Cabal of Winds, and I see structure there. Something that my Kin may need going forward. (→ #13)
(#13) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Wait, so you’ll start following the Cabal of Wind’s religion? (→ #14)
- 1: You know, it’s strange that I can’t call you by any kind of name. (→ #16)
- 2: How does it feel, being free? (→ #17)
(#14) Runed Immaculate: Perhaps, perhaps not. I merely look for structure to help guide my kind to a way of life that is compatible with humanity. We will see what form that takes. (→ #15)
(#15) Runed Immaculate: Take care of yourself, friend [PlayerName]. The world is not safe, even with a friend among the Scourge. May our paths cross again. (→ end)
(#16) Runed Immaculate: I begin to think...Immaculates have never needed names before. But if we are to deal with humanity more frequently, we may need to adopt this silly custom of yours. Time will tell. (→ #15)
(#17) Runed Immaculate: Like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. But in it’s place, I feel a greater sense of responsibility. If I am free, then I must bear the consequences of my decisions without complaint. It is a trade I feel was worth it. (→ #15)
(#18) Runed Immaculate: Thank you for coming to our aid, huma-...[PlayerName]. I knew it would be unlikely that I could convince disciples of the Butcher to stand aside and change, but I did not expect them to spring their trap so quickly and viciously. (→ #19)
(#19) Runed Immaculate: But those in my pack of Kin...They already feel the effects of Turnbull’s counter-spell, just by having stood by me and the runes I bear. For the first time since I awoke as Immaculate, I feel...Hopeful for the survival of our kind. (→ #20)
(#20) Runed Immaculate: You may not be a friend to me, [PlayerName], but I recognize your efforts and thank you deeply. Here, consider this a gift. From all those of my kind who will one day be free to choose what to do with their lives, free of their instinctual hate. (→ #21)
(#21) Multiple-choice:
- 0: What will you do now? (→ #22)
- 1: Well, I do consider you a friend, Immaculate. I hope we meet again. (→ #27)
(#22) Runed Immaculate: I don’t know what I’ll do. I have many options I must consider...The runes I bear make of me an ambassador between humans and my Scouge Kin. Perhaps I should begin to consider how our species will live in Aurai with our newfound freedom. (→ #23)
(#23) Runed Immaculate: Which of these treasures would bring you joy, then? (→ #24)
(#24) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I want the Tsar Bow. (→ #25)
- 1: I want the Tsar Chakram. (→ #26)
(#25) Runed Immaculate: Take my gift and go forth as you have thus far, [PlayerName]. May our paths cross again in the future. (→ end)
(#27) Runed Immaculate: ...Hah. Then I suppose we are friends, human. (→ #22)
(#28) Runed Immaculate: Take care of yourself, friend [PlayerName]. The world is not safe, even with a friend among the Scourge. May our paths cross again. (→ end)