Outward Wiki
Template-info Documentation

Lua module used by DropTable template.

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
	if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
		args = require('Module:ProcessArgs').merge(true)
		frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

    -- If the user defined "args.ShowRecipe" or "args.ShowRecipes" we will show Recipe Items in the table, otherwise we wont.
    showRecipes = args.ShowRecipes or nil

    -- create the base html holder
    local html = mw.html.create()

    -- display the title of the drop table

    -- calculate the average number of rolls, if applicable
    avgRolls = 1
    if (args.Random ~= nil) then
        local rollsText = ''
        if (args.MinRolls == args.MaxRolls) then
            avgRolls = tonumber(args.MinRolls) -- min rolls and max rolls are same value, so only display one number.
            rollsText = args.MinRolls
            avgRolls = (tonumber(args.MinRolls) + tonumber(args.MaxRolls)) / 2 -- calculate the average num of rolls
            rollsText = string.format('%s to %s', args.MinRolls, args.MaxRolls) -- display "x to y" rolls
        html:wikitext(frame:preprocess(string.format('This drop table will be rolled <b><u>%s</u></b> times.', rollsText)))

    -- create the actual table
    local table = html:tag('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable'):attr({ 
        align = 'center', border = '1', cellspacing = '0', cellpadding = '2' 
    }):cssText('border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid darkgray; empty-cells: show; text-align: center')

    -- header row
    local headerRow = table:tag('tr')

    if (args.Random ~= nil) then
        local suffix = avgRolls > 1 and " *" or ""
        headerRow:tag('th'):wikitext('Chance' .. suffix)
    -- iterate all unnamed arguments of the frame by using ipairs(args) and storing into a table
    -- this allows us to define an unlimited number of drop table entries, without having to worry about how many there are.
    local ip = {}
    for k, v in ipairs(args) do
        ip[k] = v

    -- little helper to display "an average" on the hover-text when needed
    local pretext = ''
    if (args.Random ~= nil and args.MinRolls ~= args.MaxRolls) then
        pretext = 'an average '

    -- display the "empty drop" entry
    if (args.NoDrop ~= nil and tonumber(args.NoDrop) > 0) then
        -- display the chance per roll, and the alt-text for it
        local td = table:tag('tr'):tag('td'):wikitext('Empty drop'):tag('td'):attr('data-sort-value', 101):tag('span'):attr('title', 'Empty drop chance per roll'):wikitext(args.NoDrop .. '%')

    -- iterate over our ipairs(args) table, counting up by 4. this is because each drop table entry takes 4 unnamed arguments
    -- 1: Name, 2: minQty, 3: maxQty, 4: Chance
    -- note: even guaranteed tables need to have chance defined, otherwise this becomes too messy. just set any value (even nil)
    for i = 1, #ip, 4 do
        local item = ip[i]
        local minqty = ip[i + 1]
        local maxqty = ip[i + 2]

        -- figure out if we should actually display this (for showrecipes)
        local show = true
        if (showRecipes == nil and (string.find(item, 'Cooking:', 1, true) ~= nil or string.find(item, 'Crafting:') ~= nil or string.find(item, 'Alchemy:') ~= nil) or string.find(item, 'Recipe:') ~= nil) then
            show = false

        -- calculate the cumulative chance and potential max quantity (based on drop table max rolls and average rolls)
        local chance = 100
        local trueMaxQty = maxqty
        local trueChance = 100
        local trueChancePretty = 100
        if (args.Random ~= nil) then
            chance = tonumber(ip[i + 3]) -- this is a random table, so get the actual chance value

            trueMaxQty = maxqty * args.MaxRolls -- total potential max quantity
            trueChance = 100 - ((((100 - chance) / 100) ^ avgRolls) * 100) -- the chance of any drop at all, based on average num of rolls
            trueChancePretty = round(trueChance, 0) -- for displayed value (round to 0 places)

        -- if actually displaying this entry
        if (show == true) then
            local tr = table:tag('tr'):attr({ valign = 'middle' })
            -- check if the item has an image. if not, its assumed to be a recipe item (display the Recipe Scroll)
            local image = frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#ifexist', args = 
                string.format('File:%s.png', item), 
                string.format('[[File:%s.png|link=%s|20px]]', item, item), 
                string.format('[[File:Recipe Scroll.png|link=%s|20px]]', item) 
            local qtyText = (minqty == maxqty and minqty) or (minqty .. '-' .. maxqty) -- a lua ternary operator. Means 'if minqty equals maxqty, then display minqty, else display "minqty - maxqty"'

            -- format and display the actual output for the first cell
            local output = image .. ' [[' .. item .. ']] (' .. qtyText .. ')'
            tr:tag('td'):cssText('padding-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; text-align: left'):wikitext(frame:preprocess(output))

            -- if random table, display the random cell
            if (args.Random ~= nil) then
                local color = string.format('background-color: #%s', p.getRarity(chance))
                local td = tr:tag('td'):cssText(color):attr('data-sort-value', tonumber(chance)):tag('span'):attr('title', string.format('Each roll, you have a %s%% chance of receiving %s %s', chance, qtyText, item))
                td:wikitext(chance .. '%')
                if (avgRolls > 1) then
                    td:tag('sup'):tag('small'):tag('span'):attr('title', string.format('Total %s%% chance of receiving at least %s %s, from %s%s rolls', tostring(round(trueChance, 2)), minqty, item, pretext, round(avgRolls, 1))):wikitext(' (' .. trueChancePretty .. '%)')

        -- add to cargo 'ItemSources' table
        frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#cargo_store', args = {
                '_table = ItemSource',
                itemName = item,
                minQty = minqty,
                maxQty = trueMaxQty, -- listing with total potential max quantity
                chance = trueChance,  -- listing with average chance of any drop at all
                type = args.Type or ''


    if (avgRolls > 1) then
        html:tag('i'):tag('small'):wikitext('* = The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from ' .. pretext .. tostring(round(avgRolls, 1)) .. ' rolls.'):tag('br')

    return html

function p.getRarity(chance)
    local color = ''
    if chance == 100 then
        color = '005453' -- Guaranteed (blue)
    elseif chance > 24 then
        color = '082904' -- Common (green)
    elseif chance > 11 then
        color = '545400' -- Uncommon (yellow)
    elseif chance > 4 then
        color = '542400' -- Rare (orange)
        color = '260C09' -- Very rare (dark red)
    return color

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
    local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
    return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

return p