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Outward Wiki
File:Meteoric Set.png

The equipment in the Meteoric Set.

Meteoric Set is a Set in Outward.

Currently this set does not contain any Armor, only Weapons.

Set Items[]

Meteoric AxeMeteoric Axe The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Fire
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3204.0Holy Blaze1H Axe
Meteoric BowMeteoric Bow The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
24.5 Fire
21 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0Holy BlazeBow
Meteoric ChakramMeteoric Chakram The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Fire
35 Impact1.0 Attack Speed4001.0Holy BlazeChakram
Meteoric ClaymoreMeteoric Claymore The Three Brothers24 Physical
24 Fire
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy Blaze2H Sword
Meteoric GreataxeMeteoric Greataxe The Three Brothers25 Physical
25 Fire
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy Blaze2H Axe
Meteoric HalberdMeteoric Halberd The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Fire
52 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy BlazeHalberd
Meteoric HammerMeteoric Hammer The Three Brothers23.5 Physical
23.5 Fire
60 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3457.0Holy Blaze2H Mace
Meteoric KnucklesMeteoric Knuckles The Three Brothers18.5 Physical
18.5 Fire
22 Impact2.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3253.0Holy Blaze2H Gauntlet
Meteoric MaceMeteoric Mace The Three Brothers22 Physical
22 Fire
50 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3205.0Holy Blaze1H Mace
Meteoric PistolMeteoric Pistol The Three Brothers47.5 Physical
47.5 Fire
75 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2001.0Holy BlazePistol
Meteoric SpearMeteoric Spear The Three Brothers24 Physical
24 Fire
33 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3455.0Holy BlazeSpear
Meteoric SwordMeteoric Sword The Three Brothers17 Physical
17 Fire
30 Impact4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3204.0Holy Blaze1H Sword
Meteoric AxeMeteoric Axe The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Fire
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3204.0Holy Blaze1H Axe
Meteoric BowMeteoric Bow The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
24.5 Fire
21 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0Holy BlazeBow
Meteoric ChakramMeteoric Chakram The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Fire
35 Impact1.0 Attack Speed4001.0Holy BlazeChakram
Meteoric ClaymoreMeteoric Claymore The Three Brothers24 Physical
24 Fire
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy Blaze2H Sword
Meteoric GreataxeMeteoric Greataxe The Three Brothers25 Physical
25 Fire
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy Blaze2H Axe
Meteoric HalberdMeteoric Halberd The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Fire
52 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy BlazeHalberd
Meteoric HammerMeteoric Hammer The Three Brothers23.5 Physical
23.5 Fire
60 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3457.0Holy Blaze2H Mace
Meteoric KnucklesMeteoric Knuckles The Three Brothers18.5 Physical
18.5 Fire
22 Impact2.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3253.0Holy Blaze2H Gauntlet
Meteoric MaceMeteoric Mace The Three Brothers22 Physical
22 Fire
50 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3205.0Holy Blaze1H Mace
Meteoric PistolMeteoric Pistol The Three Brothers47.5 Physical
47.5 Fire
75 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2001.0Holy BlazePistol
Meteoric SpearMeteoric Spear The Three Brothers24 Physical
24 Fire
33 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3455.0Holy BlazeSpear
Meteoric SwordMeteoric Sword The Three Brothers17 Physical
17 Fire
30 Impact4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3204.0Holy Blaze1H Sword

See Also[]
