It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.
(#0) Mathias: As a reward for your service, I’ll sell you exclusive goods made by my master. Naturally, these transactions will remain strictly between us. (→ #1)
(#1) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I want to buy something. (→ end)
- 1: I’m leaving. (→ end)
(#2) Mathias: You look like something’s on your mind. What can the Chamberlord for the Holy Mission do for you? (→ #3)
(#3) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Sorobor was funding a bandit gang to kidnap and murder missionaries from the Holy Mission. (→ #4)
(#4) Mathias: By the Scourge... I will call an immediate council meeting. This scandal must be handled swiftly and forcefully. Sorobor must answer for what they allowed to happen under their very noses. (→ #5)
(#5) Mathias: I’m not sure what I can offer as a reward for your...Ah! I recently received a gift of a piece of Palladium. I can offer that plus 25 silver as a reward for this evidence. (→ #6)
(#6) Multiple-choice:
- 0: I'll think about it. (→ #7)
- 1: Deal. Take the evidence. (→ #8)
(#7) Mathias: As you wish. As long as justice is delivered to those who would do such harm to the Holy Mission, I suppose that is all that matters. (→ end)
(#8) Mathias: You've done the right thing, [PlayerName]. The Holy Mission of Elatt thanks you. (→ end)
(#9) Mathias: I wish Lockwell would see reason. While it may be awkward to have two Chamberlords representing one city, The Holy Mission is an essential part of life in Aurai now. We need proper representation! (→ #10)
(#10) Mathias: If only he’d stop seeing my position as a threat to his own... Well, all I can do is try my best. (→ end)
(#11) Mathias: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ end)