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Outward Wiki
In Between 2

Elatt in the In Between.

Living Thought is the term used to refer to beings who have ascended beyond the mortal realm in Outward.


So, the key to Divinity is an unbreakable will in the face of death, fueled by an incredible source of Mana. To resist the very end of your spirit, and to transcend oblivion.
~ Elatt

Living Thought can be achieved only by those with the strongest of spirits, and fueled by a very large source of Mana. Under the right circumstances, in the face of death one can transcend death and become immortal.

While this is the closest thing to "Godhood" in Outward, the powers seem to be limited. Living Thought allows one to be immortal and omnipreset (able to transcend distances to be anywhere they wish). They do not seem to be omniscient (all-knowing), although they are certainly far more wise than most people. They are also not omnipotent (all-powerful), though they do have some supernatural powers such as Elatt granting Oliele an arm made of light when she loses her natural arm. They are also able to take any form they wish.

Known ascendants[]

  • Elatt
  • Calixa (after the events of the fourth faction quest)


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See Also[]
