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Outward Wiki
Larva Egg
Larva Egg
Consumable Details
Health Recovery 2
Stamina Recovery 2
Chance for Indigestion
6 Days
Item Details
15 SilverIcon
Object ID

Larva Egg is a Food item in Outward.


Eggs of exotic insects, with diverse restorative capacities.

Eating it raw carries a chance of disease.



Used in[]

Larva Egg also fulfills the ingredients for: Egg
Angel Food Cake
3x Angel Food Cake The Soroboreans
Cooking Pot
Bolt Rag
1x Bolt Rag
Cheese Cake
3x Cheese Cake The Soroboreans
Cooking Pot
1x Cipate The Soroboreans
Cooking Pot
Cooked Larva Egg
1x Cooked Larva Egg
  • Larva Egg
Endurance Potion
1x Endurance Potion
Alchemy Kit
Luxe Lichette
3x Luxe Lichette
Cooking Pot
Miner's Omelet
3x Miner's Omelet
Cooking Pot
Ocean Fricassee
3x Ocean Fricassee
Cooking Pot
Pouding Chomeur
3x Pouding Chomeur The Soroboreans
Cooking Pot
Pungent Paste
1x Pungent Paste
Cooking Pot
Spiny Meringue
3x Spiny Meringue
Cooking Pot
Warrior Elixir
1x Warrior Elixir
Alchemy Kit

Acquired From[]

Gatherable Sources

Fishing/Caldera Pods The Three Brothers 119.1%
Fishing/Caldera The Three Brothers 112.9%
Fishing/Cave 112.1%
Fishing/River (Chersonese) 112.1%
Fishing/River (Enmerkar Forest) 112.1%
Fishing/Beach 111.8%
Fishing/Harmattan The Soroboreans 110.2%
Fishing/Harmattan Magic The Soroboreans 110.2%
Fishing/Swamp 110.2%

Merchant Sources

Pelletier Baker, Chef The Soroboreans 2 - 4100%Harmattan
Ibolya Battleborn, Chef The Soroboreans 341.4%Harmattan

Enemy Drops

Mantis Shrimp 1100%
Rock Mantis 1100%
Assassin Bug 1 - 260.5%
Executioner Bug 1 - 260.5%
Hive Lord 160%
Tyrant of the Hive 160%
Fire Beetle 1 - 249.2%
Gastrocin The Three Brothers 2 - 325%
Volcanic Gastrocin 2 - 325%
Crescent Shark 124.7%
Mana Mantis 122.2%
Virulent Hiveman 118.2%
Walking Hive 118.2%
Mantis Shrimp 112.1%

Loot Container Sources

Adventurer's Corpse 1 - 49.8%Caldera, Hallowed Marsh, Lost Golem Manufacturing Facility
Broken Tent 1 - 49.8%Antique Plateau, Chersonese, Corrupted Tombs
Calygrey Chest 1 - 49.8%Ark of the Exiled, Steam Bath Tunnels
Chest 1 - 49.8%Abandoned Living Quarters, Abandoned Storage, Abrassar, Ancient Foundry, Antique Plateau, Cabal of Wind Temple, Chersonese, Cierzo (Destroyed), Compromised Mana Transfer Station, Conflux Chambers, Corrupted Tombs, Corsair's Headquarters, Dark Ziggurat Interior, Dead Roots, Dock's Storage, Dolmen Crypt, Electric Lab, Enmerkar Forest, Face of the Ancients, Ghost Pass, Hallowed Marsh, Hive Prison, Immaculate's Camp, Jade Quarry, Lost Golem Manufacturing Facility, Oil Refinery, Old Harmattan Basement, Old Hunter's Cabin, Reptilian Lair, River's End, Ruined Outpost, Ruined Warehouse, Sand Rose Cave, Scarlet Sanctuary, Stone Titan Caves, The Slide, The Vault of Stone, Undercity Passage, Vendavel Fortress, Vigil Pylon, Voltaic Hatchery, Ziggurat Passage
Corpse 1 - 49.8%Abrassar, Caldera, Forgotten Research Laboratory, The River of Red
Hollowed Trunk 1 - 49.8%Ancient Hive, Antique Plateau, Chersonese, Enmerkar Forest, Hive Trap, Steakosaur's Burrow
Junk Pile 1 - 49.8%Abandoned Storage, Ancient Foundry, Antique Plateau, Cabal of Wind Temple, Caldera, Calygrey Colosseum, Crumbling Loading Docks, Dark Ziggurat Interior, Destroyed Test Chambers, Forgotten Research Laboratory, Harmattan, Heroic Kingdom's Conflux Path, Holy Mission's Conflux Path, Jade Quarry, Levant, Lost Golem Manufacturing Facility, Monsoon, Montcalm Clan Fort, Necropolis, Oil Refinery, Old Harmattan Basement, Old Sirocco, Pirates' Hideout, Reptilian Lair, Silkworm's Refuge, Starfish Cave, Steam Bath Tunnels, Sulphuric Caverns, The Eldest Brother, The River of Red, The Tower of Regrets, Tree Husk, Underside Loading Dock, Ziggurat Passage
Knight's Corpse 1 - 49.8%Compromised Mana Transfer Station, Under Island
Looter's Corpse 1 - 49.8%Abandoned Living Quarters
Ornate Chest 1 - 49.8%Ancestor's Resting Place, Corrupted Tombs, Dead Tree, Enmerkar Forest, Face of the Ancients, Forest Hives, Forgotten Research Laboratory, Vendavel Fortress

The sources above were generated dynamically. Click here to force an update of the data.

See also[]
