It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.
The following is a transcript of Jake's dialogue.
(#0) Jake: Hey, have you ever met a man named Gep? See...Months ago, I was ambushed and brought down by a Shell Horror. I thought it was all over...But then I woke up next to a roaring campfire, safe and sound, with a note from this Gep fellow... (→ #1)
(#1) Jake: *Sigh* I don’t know who he really is, but I owe him my life. And that’s something I’ll never forget. Sometimes, it feels like it was a fever dream. I wish I had more proof he was real... (→ #2)
(#2) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Oh! I have one of those notes too! He was gone before I woke up too. (→ #3)
- 1: Farewell. (→ end)
(#3) Jake: You do?! Let me see...You too! I...I have only more questions. Who is he?! I...I just want to repay him for saving my life, and yet no matter who I ask, no one has actually seen the man! It’s infuriating! (→ #4)
(#4) Multiple-choice:
- 0: Maybe he doesn’t actually want thanks and is just that kindhearted. (→ #5)
- 1: Maybe he’s a ghost or a wandering spirit... (→ #7)
- 2: ...Hmm...Why not pay it forward? Why not do like Gep, yourself? (→ #8)
(#5) Jake: Probably...But it just makes me want to meet him even more now. At the very least, I owe him a drink. Whatever he wants, whether it’s tea, or wine or just a bowl of Pearlbird soup. The man’s my personal hero. (→ #6)
(#6) Jake: *Sigh* I don’t know if I’ll ever find the truth. But I’ll drink to him all the same. There need to be more Geps in the world. (→ end)
(#7) Jake: I...I don’t think so. Ghosts would have trouble carrying us to safety for such distances, let alone lighting a fire...Then again, maybe I just don’t want this to be true because I don’t want to imagine him wandering, trapped in his memories as an undead ghost... (→ #6)
(#8) Jake: I hadn’t considered that. Does this strange legend exist to urge us all to help one another, and ask for no thanks in return? But then...Who started it? Who was the original Gep who extended a helping hand? ...I want to meet him even more now... (→ #6)