Outward Wiki
Ice Witch
Ice Witch - IceWitch
Enemy Data
Defensive Stats
200 Health
Impact Res.
20% Impact
Damage Resist
10% Physical
-40% Decay
80% Frost
-40% Fire
Attack Stats
22 Physical
25 Impact
Found At
Heroic Kingdom's Conflux Path
Montcalm Clan Fort
Dead Roots
Hallowed Marsh
Sand Rose Cave
Stone Titan Caves
Undercity Passage
Ancestor's Resting Place
Enmerkar Forest

Ice Witch is a type of enemy in Outward.

Description[ | ]

One of the first Magical enemies the player will encounter, Ice Witch makes use of various Frost attacks. They are commonly found near Bandits.

Combat & Tactics[ | ]

The Ice Witch is primarily a Frost Frost based enemy, but can also attack with melee in close range. Like most Bandits, they are vulnerable to Decay.

Skills[ | ]

Ice Witch has knowledge of several Frost skills, both of which inflict Slow Down:

  • An Ice Bolt which deals 30 Frost Frost damage and 30 Impact Impact
  • An Ice Explosion which deals 35 Frost Frost damage and 50 Impact Impact.

Drop Table[ | ]

Guaranteed Items

Mana Stone Mana Stone (1)

Drop Table 1
This drop table will be rolled 2 to 3 times.

ItemsChance *
Empty drop30.61%
Blood Mushroom Blood Mushroom (2-3)5.1% (12%)
Star Mushroom Star Mushroom (2-3)5.1% (12%)
Thick Oil Thick Oil (2-3)5.1% (12%)
Fire Stone Fire Stone (1)5.1% (12%)
Cold Stone Cold Stone (1)25.51% (52%)
Arcane Robe Arcane Robe (1)2.04% (5%)
Wide Blue Hat Wide Blue Hat (1)3.06% (7%)
Turmmip Potage Turmmip Potage (1)8.16% (19%)
Turmmip Turmmip (2-3)10.2% (24%)

* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from an average 2.5 rolls.

Gallery[ | ]

See Also[ | ]
