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Haunting Beat
Haunting Beat
Deploys Ghost Drums on the ground, and causes Haunted in a small radius.
Ghost Drums
20 Stamina Stamina
120 seconds
Skill info
Skill type
Sub type
Skill tier
Acquired From
Acquired From
Sinai, the Primal Ritualist (Ritualist's hut)
50 SilverIcon
Object ID

Haunting Beat is a Primal Ritualist skill in Outward.


Required: Ghost Drums in inventory.
Deploys the Ghost Drum and causes Haunted in a small radius. There can't be another Totem within 30 meters.


  • Deploy the Ghost Drum
  • Cannot be placed within 30 meters of another totem, unless you have Harmony and Melody
  • Continuously deals Haunted to enemies inside the ring.
  • You can strike the instrument once every 3 seconds to send out blasts.
  • Picking up the Ghost Drum will reset the charges to 0.

If an enemy is in range, hitting the Drums with a weapon will:

  • Add a charge to the instrument when a blast hits an enemy, increasing the instrument's power.
  • Send out a blast dealing 10 Ethereal Ethereal damage to nearby targets, and an additional 3 Ethereal damage per charge on the instrument with a maximum of 40 base damage. The blast also inflicts Aetherbomb on enemies.
    • The Aetherbomb buildup starts at 20% and increases by an additional 6% per charge, with a cap of 100% at 14 charges.
    • The Drum's damage is affected by equipment and boons of the player who placed the drum at the time the projectile hits the enemy.

Skill Combinations[]

Combo NameCombinationEffectsPrerequisite
Ghost ReverberationHaunting Beat > ReverberationRecalls the Ghost Drum and creates a series of damaging pulses in its place.
  • Pulses once per second for between 10 and 15 seconds
  • Pulses deal between 15 and 25 Ethereal Ethereal damage, 10 Impact Impact
Ghost RhythmBattle Rhythm > Haunting BeatWhen within 8 meters of a Haunting Beat, the Ghost Drum increases Protection Protection by 5None
Nurturing Ghost DrumHaunting Beat > Nurturing EchoRestores 5 Stamina Stamina and 5 Mana Mana per second, for between 2 to 16 seconds depending on the number of charges.None

Acquired From[]

See Also[]
