Outward Wiki
Outward Wiki
General Store
General Store
Building Details
Build Costs
1x Chromium Shards
3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber
Build Time
20 Days
3 Housing

General Store is a type of Specialized Building in Outward.


Sells basic goods, backpacks, lanterns and tents.

Provides 100 Funds per day.



This Building has two upgrades. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.

Courier Wagon[]

Courier Wagon
Unlocks a secondary inventory at the General Store, that has goods from a few different shops from other towns. Refreshes to a different shop every 3 days.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 5000
Stone: 100
Timber: 100
Material: Flash Moss
Housing: 6
Food upkeep: 10 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

Caravan Wagon[]

Caravan Wagon
Allows you to pay 300 Silvers to travel to any other town you choose.

Building now generates 150 Funds per day.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 100
Timber: 100
Material: Petrified Organs
Housing: 6
Food upkeep: 10 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

  • Requires 1x Petrified Organs and 6 Housing
  • Takes 20 days
  • You can talk to the Shopkeeper and travel to any other City instantly for 300 SilverIcon (and will progress in-game time by a few days).

See Also[]
