Outward Wiki
Outward Wiki
ImageNameClassHealth HealthHealth RegenPhysicalEtherealDecayLightningFrostFireImpact Res.ProtectionStatus ImmunityBase DamageInflicts
Accursed WendigoAccursed WendigoWendigo650 Health1.5 /s10% Physical-60% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning80% Frost-60% Fire40% Impact-nil18.5 Physical 18.5 FrostChill
Meeka Fever
Extreme Bleeding
Alpha Coralhorn - DeerAlphaLoner 1AI D-Alpha CoralhornWildlife370 Health0 /s15% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning40% Frost-40% Fire30% Impact-nil34 Physicalnil
Alpha Tuanosaur - TuanosaurAlphaAlpha TuanosaurWildlife725 Health1.5 /s15% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire55% Impact-Poison60 PhysicalBleeding
Altered GargoyleAltered GargoyleGargoyle600 Health0 /s60% Physical-60% Ethereal30% Decay50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire67% Impact12 ProtectionBleeding
35 PhysicalPain
Ancestral GeneralAncestral GeneralUndead (Skeleton)300 Health0 /s44% Physical0% Ethereal100% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire32% Impact5 ProtectionPoison
39 Etherealnil
Ancestral SoldierAncestral SoldierUndead (Skeleton)90 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal100% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-Poison
22 Physicalnil
Ancient DwellerAncient Dweller The Three Brothers Dweller1200 Health0 /s35% Physical70% Ethereal20% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire70% Impact-Bleeding
40 PhysicalMild Petrification
Animated Skeleton - Skeleton ShieldAnimated SkeletonUndead (Skeleton)150 Health0 /s10% Physical20% Ethereal20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire15% Impact3 Physical 150 Decay ProtectionBleeding
26.2 Physical or 33.6 Physicalnil
Animated Skeleton - SkeletonMinerAnimated Skeleton (Miner)Undead (Skeleton)90 Health0 /s2% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire2% Impact-Bleeding
17 Physicalnil
Arcane Elemental DecayArcane Elemental (Decay) The SoroboreansElemental325 or 425 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nilnilnil
Arcane Elemental EtherealArcane Elemental (Ethereal) The SoroboreansElemental325 or 425 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nilnilnil
Arcane Elemental FireArcane Elemental (Fire) The SoroboreansElemental325 or 425 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nilnilnil
Arcane Elemental FrostArcane Elemental (Frost) The SoroboreansElemental325 or 425 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nilnilnil
Arcane Elemental LightArcane Elemental (Lightning) The SoroboreansElemental325 or 425 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nilnilnil
Armored Hyena - HoundArmoredHeavyArmored HyenaWildlife200 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire20% Impact-nil19 PhysicalInfection
Armored Troglodyte - TroglodyteArmoredArmored TroglodyteTroglodyte225 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact9 Protectionnil26.45 PhysicalPoisoned
Ash Giant - AshGiantGuardAsh GiantGiant850 Health1.5 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire67% Impact-nil45 Physicalnil
Ash Giant HighmonkAsh Giant HighmonkGiant3000 Health15 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire83% Impact-nil22.5 Physical 30 Lightningnil
Ash Giant Priest - AshGiantPriestAsh Giant PriestGiant800 Health1.5 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire65% Impact-nil22.5 Physical 22.5 Lightningnil
Assassin Bug - AssassinBugAssassin BugWildlife250 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire20% Impact10 Protectionnil21 PhysicalCrippled
BanditBanditBandit90 Health0 /s15% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire19% Impact-nil14 Physical or 17 Physicalnil
Bandit Archer - NewBanditEquip StandardSpecialistArcher DBandit ArcherBandit100 Health0 /s16% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire18% Impact-nil31.2 or 20 Physicalnil
Bandit Captain - NewBanditEquip StandardCaptain1 CBandit CaptainBandit175 Health0 /s54% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire52% Impact7 Protectionnil36.4 Physicalnil
Bandit Defender - NewBanditEquip StandardSpecialistDefense CBandit DefenderBandit150 Health0 /s58% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire52% Impact10 Protectionnil33.35 PhysicalConfusion
Bandit Lieutenant - NewBanditEquip StandardLieutenant1 DBandit LieutenantBandit125 Health0 /s30% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire30% Impact3 Protectionnil26.45 Physical OR 25.3 Physicalnil
Bandit Manhunter - NewBanditEquip StandardSpecialistManhunterArcher CBandit ManhunterBandit150 Health0 /s63% Physical60% Ethereal20% Decay60% Lightning60% Frost60% Fire71% Impact12 Protectionnil71.3 PhysicalSlow Down
Bandit - SlaveBanditsBandit SlaveBandit90 Health0 /s4% Physical0% Ethereal-35% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire4% Impact-nil17 Physicalnil
Beast GolemBeast GolemGolem225 Health0 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact7 ProtectionBleeding
26 PhysicalPain
Blade Dancer 2Blade DancerGolem345 Health0 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire40% Impact5 ProtectionBleeding
15.5 Physical 15.5 Decaynil
Blood SorcererBlood Sorcerer The SoroboreansBandit175 Health0 /s44% Physical45% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire32% Impact5 Protectionnil38 Physicalnil
Bloody AlexisBloody AlexisBandits220 Health0 /s45% Physical0% Ethereal25% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire44% Impact14 Protectionnil33 PhysicalWeaken
Bloody BeastBloody Beast The SoroboreansReptilian250 Health0 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal20% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire15% Impact-Poison28 PhysicalBleeding (50%)
Extreme Bleeding (25%)
Infection (10% chance)
Burning (49%)
Bonded BeastmasterBonded Beastmaster The SoroboreansBandit225 Health0 /s48% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact6 Protectionnil31 or 45 PhysicalWeaken
BoozuBoozu The SoroboreansWildlife345 Health0 /s30% Physical-20% Ethereal40% Decay-20% Lightning25% Frost-40% Fire40% Impact4 ProtectionPoison31 Physicalnil
BoreoBoreo The Three BrothersWildlife450 Health0 /s40% Physical20% Ethereal20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire65% Impact-nil35 Physicalnil
Brand SquireBrand SquireHumanoid1500 Health1.5 /s64% Physical45% Ethereal-25% Decay30% Lightning45% Frost45% Fire73% Impact-nil18 Physical 18 FrostPain
Breath of DarknessBreath of Darkness Dweller3500 Health0 /s35% Physical70% Ethereal20% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire70% Impact-Bleeding
40 Physical 15 Etherealnil
BurningManBurning ManFire Elemental250 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost100% Fire10% Impact-BurningnilBurning
Calixa 2Calixa (boss)Living Thought4500 Health0 /s65% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire75% Impact3 ProtectionBleeding
10 Ethereal 10 Decay 10 Lightning 10 Frost 10 Firenil
Calixa's SquireCalixa's Squire The Three BrothersHumanoid900 Health0 /s71% Physical0% Ethereal-25% Decay40% Lightning20% Frost30% Fire73% Impact7 Protectionnil35 Physicalnil
CalygreyCalygrey The Three BrothersCalygrey350 Health0 /s25% Physical20% Ethereal-60% Decay30% Lightning30% Frost0% Fire50% Impact-nil33 Physical 11 Lightningnil
Calygrey HeroCalygrey Hero The Three BrothersCalygrey650 Health0 /s25% Physical45% Ethereal-30% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost0% Fire65% Impact-nil33 Physical 11 Lightning 11 FrostPanic
Chromatic ElementalChromatic Arcane ElementalElemental400 Health2 /s20% Physical50% Ethereal50% Decay50% Lightning50% Frost50% Fire55% Impact-nil24 Physical 8 EtherealSapped
ConcealedKnight2Concealed Knight: ???Humanoid1000 Health0 /s68% Physical20% Ethereal20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost100% Fire49% Impact10 Protectionnil57 Physicalnil
Coralhorn - DeerCoralhornWildlife130 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning40% Frost-40% Fire10% Impact-nil34 Physicalnil
Corruption SpiritCorruption Spirit The SoroboreansUndead110 Health0 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-nil20 FireScorched
Cracked GargoyleCracked GargoyleGargoyle650 Health0 /s50% Physical-60% Ethereal30% Decay50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire75% Impact10 ProtectionBleeding
45 Physical 10 FireBurning
Holy Blaze
Mild Petrification
Crescent Shark - CrescentSharkCrescent SharkWildlife325 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nil24 Physical 8 EtherealElemental Vulnerability
Crimson AvatarCrimson Avatar The Three BrothersHumanoid4500 Health0 /s65% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay30% Lightning-30% Frost40% Fire88% Impact-Bleeding
50 PhysicalBurning
Holy Blaze
Mild Petrification
Desert Archer - NewBanditEquip DesertSpecialistArcher CDesert ArcherBandit150 Health0 /s36% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire53% Impact3 Protectionnil57.35 Physical or 31 PhysicalSlow Down
Desert Bandit - NewBanditEquip DesertBasic1 DDesert BanditBandit125 Health0 /s36% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire53% Impact3 Protectionnil27.3 to 43 Physicalnil
Desert Captain - NewBanditEquip DesertCaptain1 BDesert CaptainBandit200 Health0 /s60% Physical40% Ethereal60% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire59% Impact9 Protectionnil30.23 Physical 10.07 Lightning OR 32.5 Physicalnil
Desert Lieutenant - NewBanditEquip DesertLieutenant1 CDesert LieutenantBandit150 Health0 /s57% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire48% Impact8 Protectionnil28.75 Physicalnil
DjinnDjinn The Three BrothersDjinn1200 Health0 /s55% Physical75% Ethereal-20% Decay25% Lightning-20% Frost100% Fire55% Impact-Bleeding80 PhysicalPain
Dorion (Gladiator's Arena)Dorion (Gladiator's Arena) The Three BrothersHumanoid625 Health0 /s59% Physical10% Ethereal-5% Decay10% Lightning10% Frost10% Fire52% Impact8 Protectionnil28 Physical 10 Lightningnil
Drifting MedyseDrifting Medyse The Three BrothersWildlife650 Health2.5 /s75% Physical-25% Ethereal50% Decay-20% Lightning50% Frost-20% Fire48% Impact-Bleeding
Elder CalygreyElder Calygrey The Three BrothersCalygrey550 Health0 /s25% Physical45% Ethereal-30% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost0% Fire60% Impact-nil11 Frost 11 Lightning 33 PhysicalPanic
Elder MedyseElder Medyse The Three BrothersWildlife800 Health2.5 /s15% Physical0% Ethereal100% Decay-50% Lightning-20% Frost25% Fire58% Impact-Bleeding
Elemental ParasiteElemental Parasite The SoroboreansScourge800 Health0 /s15% Physical20% Ethereal100% Decay-25% Lightning20% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nil20 Physical 10 Decaynil
Elite Alpha TuanosaurElite Alpha TuanosaurWildlife3600 Health1.5 /s45% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost70% Fire70% Impact8 ProtectionPoison60 PhysicalExtreme Bleeding
Elite Armored TroglodyteElite Armored TroglodyteTroglodyte350 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nil23 PhysicalPoisoned
Elite Ash GiantsElite Ash GiantGiant1500 Health1.5 /s50% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning80% Frost-50% Fire60% Impact-nil45 Physicalnil
Elite Beast GolemElite Beast GolemGolem5000 Health1.5 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire60% Impact9 ProtectionBleeding
26 PhysicalPain
Slow Down
Elite BoozuElite Boozu The SoroboreansWildlife4000 Health0 /s35% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay-25% Lightning25% Frost-40% Fire80% Impact-nil30 Physical 15 EtherealConfusion
Elite Burning Man 2Elite Burning ManFire Elemental2500 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost100% Fire89% Impact-Bleeding
Elite Crescent SharkElite Crescent SharkWildlife2500 Health1.5 /s25% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire55% Impact-nil24 Physical 8 EtherealElemental Vulnerability
Elite Crimson AvatarElite Crimson Avatar The Three BrothersHumanoid6000 Health0 /s75% Physical0% Ethereal60% Decay-20% Lightning0% Frost-20% Fire83% Impact-Bleeding
35 Physical 35 Etherealnil
Elite Gargoyle AlchemistElite Gargoyle Alchemist The Three BrothersGargoyle1700 Health0 /s65% Physical-30% Ethereal15% Decay30% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire85% Impact25 ProtectionBleeding
55 Physicalnil
Elite Gargoyle MageElite Gargoyle Mage The Three BrothersGargoyle1700 Health0 /s65% Physical-35% Ethereal50% Decay50% Lightning25% Frost25% Fire83% Impact10 ProtectionBleeding
55 Physicalnil
Elite Gargoyle WarriorElite Gargoyle Warrior The Three BrothersGargoyle1700 Health0 /s65% Physical-30% Ethereal15% Decay30% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire89% Impact35 ProtectionBleeding
60 Physicalnil
Elite Krypteia WarriorElite Krypteia Warrior The Three BrothersHumanoid700 Health0 /s35% Physical0% Ethereal-20% Decay0% Lightning40% Frost-20% Fire50% Impact-nil35 Physicalnil
Elite Krypteia WitchElite Krypteia Witch The Three BrothersHumanoid700 Health0 /s35% Physical0% Ethereal-20% Decay0% Lightning40% Frost-20% Fire50% Impact-nil20 Physical 20 Frostnil
Elite Mana TroglodyteElite Mana TroglodyteTroglodyte350 Health0 /s0% Physical40% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire10% Impact-nil5.5 Physical 5.5 Etherealnil
Elite Mantis ShrimpElite Mantis ShrimpWildlife3500 Health1.5 /s60% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire85% Impact-nil27 PhysicalConfusion
Elite Obsidian ElementalElite Obsidian ElementalFire Elemental900 Health0 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost100% Fire45% Impact-Bleeding
17 Physical 17 FireBurning
Elite Sublime ShellElite Sublime Shell The SoroboreansScourge4500 Health1.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire78% Impact-nil22.5 Physical 7.5 Decaynil
Elite TorcrabElite Torcrab The Three BrothersWildlife1650 Health0 /s70% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost75% Fire82% Impact-nil24 Physical 8 Fire 8 Lightning 8 Frostnil
Elite Trog Grenadier2Elite Troglodyte GrenadierTroglodyte220 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire10% Impact-nil21 PhysicalPoisoned
Evangeline (Gladiator's Arena)Evangeline (Gladiator's Arena) The Three BrothersHumanoid500 Health0 /s46% Physical10% Ethereal20% Decay10% Lightning10% Frost10% Fire45% Impact7 Protectionnil29 Physical 10 Frostnil
Executioner BugExecutioner BugWildlife400 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire35% Impact10 Protectionnil21 PhysicalCrippled
Extreme Bleeding
Extreme Poison
Fire Beetle - BeetleFire BeetleWildlife225 Health0 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost40% Fire35% Impact-nil25 PhysicalBurning
Meeka Fever
ForgeGolemForge GolemGolem175 Health0 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost40% Fire20% Impact-Bleeding
18 PhysicalPain
Rust LichForge Master The SoroboreansLich850 Health0 /s40% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay-20% Lightning20% Frost40% Fire7000% Impact-Bleeding
Galvanic GolemGalvanic Golem The SoroboreansGolem600 Health0 /s55% Physical-50% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire60% Impact-Bleeding
GargoyleGargoyle The Three BrothersGargoyle750 Health0 /s65% Physical-60% Ethereal30% Decay50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire75% Impact20 ProtectionBleeding
55 PhysicalPain
Mild Petrification
GastrocinGastrocin The Three BrothersWildlife850 Health0 /s50% Physical0% Ethereal80% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost40% Fire80% Impact-nilnilPlague
Ghost (Caldera)Ghost (Caldera) The Three BrothersUndead (Ghost)180 Health0 /s80% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire35% Impact-Bleeding
27 Ethereal 5 Firenil
Ghost (Green)Ghost (Green)Undead (Ghost)125 Health0 /s40% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-Bleeding
12.75 Physical 4.25 Etherealnil
Ghost (Purple)Ghost (Purple)Undead (Ghost)150 Health0 /s80% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-Bleeding
22 Etherealnil
Ghost RedLady2Ghost (Red Lady)Undead (Ghost)100 Health0 /s80% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire20% Impact-Bleeding
20 Ethereal 5 Firenil
Ghost - NewGhostTwoHandedGhost (Red)Undead (Ghost)350 Health0 /s80% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire40% Impact-Bleeding
27 Etherealnil
Ghost of Vanasse - GhostOfVanasseGhost of VanasseUndead (Ghost)75 Health0 /s80% Physical-100% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-Bleeding15 EtherealHaunted
Giant HorrorGiant Horror The SoroboreansGiant1500 Health0 /s40% Physical0% Ethereal80% Decay-25% Lightning15% Frost-25% Fire75% Impact-nil20 Physical 10 Decaynil
Giant HunterGiant Hunter The Three BrothersGiant900 Health1.5 /s25% Physical0% Ethereal20% Decay0% Lightning-30% Frost0% Fire75% Impact-nil50 PhysicalBreathless
Extreme Poison
Glacial TuanosaurGlacial TuanosaurWildlife480 Health1.5 /s15% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire49% Impact4 ProtectionPoison30 Physical 8 FrostBleeding
Golden MatriarchGolden MatriarchGolem575 Health2.5 /s80% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay100% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire55% Impact6 ProtectionBleeding
25 Lightningnil
Golden MinionGolden MinionGolem275 Health0 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal-40% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-Bleeding
24 Physical 8 Lightningnil
Cannon SpecterGolden Specter (Cannon)Golem420 Health2 /s80% Physical-40% Ethereal-40% Decay40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire40% Impact-Bleeding
16 Physical 16 LightningDizzy
Golden SpecterGolden Specter (Melee)Golem420 Health2 /s80% Physical-40% Ethereal-40% Decay80% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire40% Impact-Bleeding
17 Physical 17 Lightningnil
GrandmotherGrandmother The Three BrothersGhost500 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-Bleeding
Grandmother MedyseGrandmother MedyseWildlife1000 Health2.5 /s50% Physical-25% Ethereal50% Decay-20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire64% Impact-Bleeding
80 PhysicalPain
Greater GrotesqueGreater GrotesqueScourge750 Health10 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal25% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire62% Impact-nil12 Physical 3 DecayExtreme Bleeding
GrotesqueGrotesque The SoroboreansScourge375 Health0.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire55% Impact-nil12 Physical 3 Decaynil
Guardian of the Compass - Golem BossGuardian of the CompassGolem2500 Health0 /s25% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire40% Impact10 ProtectionBleeding
84 PhysicalPain
Hive Lord - HiveLordHive LordHive720 Health1.5 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal-20% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-50% Fire50% Impact5 ProtectionBleeding25 Physical 9 DecayPain
Hyena - HoundHyenaWildlife100 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire0% Impact-nil21 PhysicalInfection (10% chance)
Ice Witch - IceWitchIce WitchBandit200 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning80% Frost-40% Fire20% Impact-nil22 Physicalnil
Illuminator Horror 2Illuminator HorrorScourge300 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire20% Impact-nilnilnil
Immaculate - ImmaculateImmaculateScourge775 Health1.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire50% Impact5 Protectionnil25.5 Physical 8.5 Decaynil
Elite ImmaculateImmaculate DreamerScourge4500 Health0 /s70% Physical-50% Ethereal0% Decay-30% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire78% Impact8 ProtectionBleeding
15 Physical 40 Etherealnil
Immaculate RaiderImmaculate Raider The SoroboreansScourge775 Health1.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire50% Impact5 Protectionnil22.5 Physical 7.5 DecaySapped
Immaculate WarlockImmaculate Warlock The SoroboreansScourge775 Health1.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire50% Impact-nil22.5 Physical 7.5 Decaynil
Immaculate's BirdImmaculate's Bird The SoroboreansHumanoid300 Health0 /s95% Physical70% Ethereal70% Decay70% Lightning70% Frost70% Fire95% Impact-nil5 Physical 5 Ethereal 5 Decay 5 Lightning 5 Frost 5 Firenil
Jade-Lich Acolyte - NewBanditEquip JadeLichAcolyteLieutenant BJade-Lich AcolyteBandit150 Health0 /s44% Physical65% Ethereal100% Decay25% Lightning65% Frost65% Fire45% Impact8 Protectionnil53.29 Physical 10.51 Decaynil
Jewelbird - JewelBirdJewelbirdWildlife150 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-nil18 PhysicalPain
Josef (Gladiator's Arena)Josef (Gladiator's Arena) The Three BrothersHumanoid575 Health0 /s46% Physical10% Ethereal-20% Decay10% Lightning10% Frost10% Fire35% Impact6 Protectionnil18 Physical 6 Firenil
Kazite AdmiralKazite AdmiralBandit350 Health0 /s60% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning15% Frost0% Fire45% Impact4 Protectionnil43 PhysicalCrippled
Kazite Lieutenant ArcherKazite ArcherBandits175 Health0 /s70% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire71% Impact12 Protectionnil85.1 PhysicalConfusion
Kazite Archer (Antique Plateau)Kazite Archer (Antique Plateau) The SoroboreansBandits175 Health0 /s49% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire38% Impact5 Protectionnil66 PhysicalWeaken
Kazite Bandit 3Kazite BanditBandits125 Health0 /s55% Physical20% Ethereal-20% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire43% Impact3 Protectionnil28.75 Physicalnil
Kazite Bandit (Antique Plateau)Kazite Bandit (Antique Plateau) The SoroboreansBandits125 Health0 /s45% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire28% Impact-nil32 PhysicalWeaken
Kazite Bandit (Gladiator's Arena)Kazite Bandit (Gladiator's Arena) The Three BrothersHumanoid450 Health0 /s50% Physical0% Ethereal25% Decay10% Lightning10% Frost10% Fire23% Impact-nilVariesnil
Kazite LieutenantKazite LieutenantBandits175 Health0 /s70% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire71% Impact12 Protectionnil41.6 Physicalnil
Kazite Lieutenant (Antique Plateau)Kazite Lieutenant (Antique Plateau) The SoroboreansBandit175 Health0 /s55% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire41% Impact7 Protectionnil36 PhysicalWeaken
Gold Lich - LichGoldLight MenderLich1500 Health0 /s40% Physical0% Ethereal-20% Decay100% Lightning0% Frost20% Fire85% Impact-Bleeding
15 Physical 30 Lightningnil
Lightning DancerLightning DancerGolem600 Health2 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire60% Impact-Poison
14 Physical 20 LightningDoomed
Liquid-Cooled GolemLiquid-Cooled Golem The SoroboreansGolem700 Health0 /s40% Physical-50% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning25% Frost-50% Fire60% Impact8 ProtectionBleeding
Luke the Pearlescent - NewBanditEquip WhiteScavengerCaptainBoss ALuke the PearlescentBandit400 Health0 /s69% Physical45% Ethereal25% Decay45% Lightning45% Frost45% Fire66% Impact10 Protectionnil83.2 Physicalnil
Mad Captain's BonesMad Captain's BonesUndead (Skeleton)350 Health0 /s0% Physical-50% Ethereal100% Decay-50% Lightning0% Frost-50% Fire40% Impact-Bleeding
55 Physicalnil
Mana Mantis - MantisManaMana MantisWildlife250 Health0 /s25% Physical40% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire45% Impact-nil20.25 Physical 6.75 Etherealnil
Mana Troglodyte - TroglodyteManaMana TroglodyteTroglodyte200 Health0 /s0% Physical40% Ethereal40% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire10% Impact-nil5.5 Physical 5.5 Etherealnil
Manticore - ManticoreManticoreWildlife750 Health1.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire60% Impact-nil51 PhysicalExtreme Poison
Mantis Shrimp - MantisShrimpMantis ShrimpWildlife250 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal-40% Decay40% Lightning-40% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nil27 Physicalnil
Marsh ArcherMarsh ArcherBandit150 Health0 /s37% Physical20% Ethereal50% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire33% Impact3 Protectionnil36.4 Physicalnil
Marsh Archer CaptainMarsh Archer CaptainBandit200 Health0 /s61% Physical40% Ethereal45% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire56% Impact9 Protectionnil80.6 PhysicalSlow Down
Marsh Bandit - NewBanditEquip MarshBasic1 CMarsh BanditBandit150 Health0 /s37% Physical20% Ethereal50% Decay20% Lightning20% Frost20% Fire33% Impact3 Protectionnil26.6 Physicalnil
Marsh CaptainMarsh CaptainBandit200 Health0 /s61% Physical40% Ethereal45% Decay40% Lightning40% Frost40% Fire56% Impact9 Protectionnil13 Physical 38 DecayElemental Vulnerability
Marsh GuardianMarsh Guardian The Three BrothersHumanoid1400 Health0 /s62% Physical3% Ethereal60% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire59% Impact7 Protectionnil25.5 Physical 8.5 Lightningnil
Matriarch MyrmitaurMatriarch Myrmitaur The Three BrothersWildlife1500 Health2.5 /s40% Physical0% Ethereal75% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost90% Fire74% Impact-nil10 Physical 8 Fire 8 Decaynil
Molten Forge Golem - ForgeGolemRedHotMolten Forge GolemGolem225 Health0 /s30% Physical-40% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost40% Fire30% Impact-Bleeding
18 Physical 6 FireBurning
MyrmitaurMyrmitaur The Three BrothersWildlife750 Health0.5 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal-50% Decay0% Lightning90% Frost90% Fire69% Impact-nil15 Physical 8 Frost 8 FireCripple
Obsidian Elemental - ObsidianElementalObsidian ElementalFire Elemental400 Health1 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost100% Fire30% Impact7 ProtectionBleeding
17 Physical 17 FireBurning
Obsidian Elemental (Caldera)Obsidian Elemental (Caldera) The Three BrothersFire Elemental400 Health1 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning-40% Frost100% Fire30% Impact7 ProtectionBurning
12 Physical 12 Fire 10 LightningHoly Blaze
PearlbirdPearlbirdWildlife75 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire0% Impact-nil18 PhysicalPain
Pearlbird CutthroatPearlbird CutthroatWildlife300 Health0 /s0% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire30% Impact-nil54 PhysicalPain
Phytoflora - PhytofloraPhytofloraWildlife520 Health1.5 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire50% Impact-Poison31 PhysicalPoisoned
Phytosaur - PhytosaurPhytosaurWildlife350 Health0 /s10% Physical0% Ethereal40% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire40% Impact-Poison31 PhysicalPoisoned
Jade Lich - LichJadePlague DoctorLich1500 Health0 /s40% Physical0% Ethereal100% Decay-20% Lightning20% Frost0% Fire70% Impact-Bleeding
Pure IlluminatorPure Illuminator The SoroboreansScourge550 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal25% Decay-40% Lightning0% Frost0% Fire35% Impact5 Protectionnil8 Physical 10 DecayCurse
Quartz BeetleQuartz Beetle The Three BrothersWildlife450 Health0 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning80% Frost0% Fire45% Impact8 Protectionnil15 Physical 25 FrostHampered
Meeka Fever
Quartz ElementalQuartz ElementalElemental800 Health1 /s30% Physical0% Ethereal0% Decay0% Lightning100% Frost-40% Fire30% Impact15 ProtectionBurning
17 Physical 17 FrostElemental Vulnerability
Slow Down
Quartz GastrocinQuartz Gastrocin The Three BrothersWildlife850 Health0 /s40% Physical0% Ethereal80% Decay0% Lightning40% Frost-40% Fire80% Impact-nilnilnil
Razorhorn StekosaurRazorhorn StekosaurWildlife350 Health0 /s20% Physical0% Ethereal20% Decay0% Lightning0% Frost-40% Fire10% Impact10 ProtectionPoison30 Physicalnil
Rock Mantis - BigMantisRock MantisWildlife350 Health0 /s30% Physical