Outward Wiki
Defeat Scenario Lizards (2)

One of the possible Defeat Scenarios in Outward

Defeat Scenarios are a mechanic in Outward which trigger when the player is defeated, either through combat or other means. Instead of dying, time will move forward by a reasonable amount, and the player will wake up in one of many different possible outcomes.

The location in which the player is defeated seems to have the biggest influence on the determined outcome, however quest progress and the circumstances of the defeat (ie. which enemy defeated the player) may also play a role.

List of Scenarios

The following is a list of known defeat scenario outcomes.


These defeat scenarios can occur in any region.

Rescued by Gep

You fall to the ground, broken and defeated. As you start to black out from the pain, you sense someone standing above you, defending you! A warm voice reaches you through the haze of pain. "Whoa there, now! It ain't your time to die today. Stay with me, I'll look after you."

Stars and campfires dance in your fevered mind. Your eyes flutter open and you find yourself someplace safe. A warm campfire roars nearby, a note and mysterious bottle propped up beside it. You are alone, but you feel like someone was just here a moment ago...
  • Time passed: 1-2 Days
  • Player awakens next to a Campfire, with about 30% health.
  • Gep's Drink and Gep's Note are on the ground
  • Player's bag can be found on the ground near the Campfire

Rescued by Immaculate

You fall to the ground, broken and defeated. As you start to black out from the pain, you sense someone standing above you, defending you! A warm voice reaches you through the haze of pain. "Are you alive? Answer me!"

You awaken hours later, underground. As you lift up your head, a shape moves in the corner of your eyes. It is a monstrous beast that walks on two legs, red pulsing veins running along its body.

The creature must have saved you! You see it holding a book in its hands, as it lets out a quiet laugh. Your consciousness fades again for a few minutes, before you manage to get up.


These defeat scenarios can only occur in Chersonese.

Cierzo Huntress

You can't stand anymore, the very act of breathing is becoming difficult. Pain wracks your body as your consciousness fades...

You awaken to the sight of a huntress from Cierzo pouring water into your mouth. Leaning on her, you manage to hobble back to Cierzo, more dead than alive. She refuses payment and leaves you with a firm pat on the shoulder.
  • Time passed: 2-3 Days
  • Player awakens in Cierzo, bag is nearby
  • Player has about 25% remaining health and can have the Pain and Confusion status effects.

Cierzo Inn

You can't stand anymore, the very act of breathing is becoming difficult. Pain wracks your body as your consciousness fades...

The warm smells of Cierzo's inn greet you. It seems someone found you on the edge of death and nursed you back to health. You have been out cold for days, though at least you're still alive...
  • Time passed: 10-12 Days
  • Player awakens in Cierzo, inside the Inn.
  • Player is fully rested.
  • Seems to be guaranteed if the player is defeated with Cierzo itself, though it also occurs outside of the city.

Conflux Mountain Hooded Man

Purple grass surrounds you as you stir from unconsciousness high atop a mountain. Your life-threatening injuries have been bandaged by a hooded man, who silently turns to leave, entering a door along the mountain wall without a backwards glance...
  • Time passed: 1-3 Days
  • Player awakens on Conflux Mountain, near the entrance to any of the Conflux Path dungeons.
  • Player can have the Confusion status effect.

Vendavel Prison

Your eyes open to the sight of a Kazite woman pointing a sword right between your eyes. You are in no state to resist as she binds your hands and blindfolds you, and forces you to march. You hear bandit activity loud all around you.

Your captor boots you into a cell and slams cold iron bars behind you. "Here's how it goes slave! Work when we tell you to, and you'll get food and water. Or refuse to work, and it's to 'The Hole' with ye!"
  • Time passed: < 1 day (hours)
  • Player awakens in Vendavel Prison with extremely low health.
  • All of the player's items are locked in a chest, which is down a path behind a guarded door.
  • On the ground is Tattered Attire, Iron Scrap, Linen Cloth and Wood.
  • The player must offer to help the guards, or find some other way to get passed them if they wish to retrieve their backpack and belongings.
  • See the Vendavel Prison page for more information on the defeat scenario.

The Hole

Your head aches, resting on rotten driftwood, your body submerged in water. A glance upwards shows only a small speck of light from the top of "The Hole". You were exceptionally lucky to survive a fall like that.

With great effort, you swim in the murky water until you see a ray of light... You've escaped the Fortress of Vendavel, but paid dearly for it.
  • Can occur from dying within the Vendavel Fortress. Guaranteed if the player chooses to drop down into the hole (there is a simple "am I sure I want to do this" dialogue that appears before the game allows you).
  • Player awakens on the very southern tip of the map, east of the fortress.
  • Player has Pain and Confusion, and severely depleted health.
  • Player's bag will be somewhere on the beach, but may not be within immediate view. It can be located using the Bag marker on the player's compass.

Blister Burrow

Without the strength to fight, you can only watch helplessly as Troglodytes surround you, chittering in their barbaric language, and haul you through their cave. The foul smell of rotting meat fills your nostrils as they dump you into a large, well lit room.

Troglodytes gather around a large stone pot over a fire, sometimes staring at you hungrily. Suddenly, a noise echoes in the cave and the monsters freeze. The dimwitted creatures then grab spears and charge out, leaving you alone.

Corrupted Tombs

Pain wracks your body as you wake up from your injury. You are alone, but surely not safe. With clenched teeth, you manage to drag yourself outside to safety, where you fall unconscious again.

It is hours before you regain consciousness. You are beaten and bloody, but alive. You will wear these scars for quite some time... You curse your recklessness and vow to be more prepared for danger in the future.
  • Time passed: ???
  • Players awakens outside the Corrupted Tombs
  • Player has severely depleted health and burnt health.
  • Player is inflicted with Confusion and Curse status effects.

Hallowed Marsh

These defeat scenarios can only occur in the Hallowed Marsh.

Elatt's Intervention

As you see your life flash before your eyes, a brilliant light blinds you. As your eyes adjust once more, you find yourself on the ground someplace safe outdoors. Elatt's intervention has no doubt saved your life.
  • Time passed: ???
  • Player will awake at the top of a hill somewhere in the marsh.
  • Player will awake with the Blessed Boon, plus full Health, Stamina, and Mana (if applicable).
  • Player can be from any faction.

Someone in Gleaming White Armor

As your eyes open, you find yourself propped up against a wall at the gates of Monsoon, safe. As you glance around for your savior, you see someone in gleaming white armor vanish into the crowd...
  • Time passed: 1-2 Days.
  • Player will awake just inside the gates of Monsoon. Player's Backpack will be on the ground very near to them.

Monsoon Inn

You can't stand anymore, the very act of breathing is becoming difficulty. Pain wracks your body as consciousness fades...

The smell of sweet incense greets you as you awaken from the fevered dreams of the last few days. A passing missionary must have brought you to the Inn in Monsoon. The innkeeper has used money from your own pouch to pay for your treatment, but at least you're still alive.

  • Time passed: 10-12 Days
  • Player awakens in Monsoon, inside the Inn.
  • Player is fully rested.
  • Seems to be guaranteed if the player is defeated with Monsoon itself (such as by Bleeding out or passing out from Heat).

Dragged into Marsh Lizard's Cave

You raise your arms, shielding your vulnerable throat from the animals that howl at you, and brace yourself for death...Fangs sink into your leg and you feel yourself dragged across the ground. Every rock and bump causes jolts of pain that knock you into darkness for a while...

Loud screeches startle you awake. You've been dragged into a cave, surrounded by the lizards of the marsh, screeching and fighting one another for the right to feast on you! You must flee, if you value your life!
  • Time passed: 1-2 days.
  • Seems to trigger with higher frequency if the player is defeated by a Lizard enemy (such as a Tuanosaur), or near one of the many Lizard dungeons.
  • Player will awaken inside a Lizard infested dungeon, near the entrance.
  • Player's backpack will be on the ground nearby, in addition to some Bandages, Linen Cloth, and sometimes a Fishing Harpoon (even if the player already carries one).


These defeat scenarios can only occur in the Abrassar desert.

Cyrene Mistakes You For Dead

You open your eyes, and can tell by the stench that you've been thrown onto a pile of corpses. It seems that Cyrene mistook you for dead.
  • Time passed: ???
  • This scenario specifically triggers if you lose to Cyrene in a certain late-game fight in the Heroic Kingdom questline, during Heroic Peacemaker.
  • Player awakens near the entrance to the Levant Slums.

Mercenary Company comes to your aid

It is pure luck that brings a mercenary company to your aid. To your relief, his band brings you back safely to the gates of Levant, free of charge. They then go off merrily to the inn, clearly going to brag to the serving girls about how they saved your life and didn't even ask for payment...
  • Time passed: 1-2 days
  • Player awakens just inside the main gate of Levant. Player backpack will be on the ground very near to them by the wall.
  • Player health, stamina, and mana will all be very low. Confusion may be applied.

Beaten and Bloody, but Alive

It is hours before you regain consciousness. You are beaten and bloody, but alive. You will wear these scars for some time... You curse your recklessness and vow to be more prepared for danger in the future.
  • Time Passed 0-2 days.
  • Seems to happen with higher frequency if you are defeated by enemies in just a few hits, or have lots of burnt health/stamina/mana at the time of your defeat.

Enmerkar Forest

These defeat scenarios can only occur in the Enmerkar Forest.


See Also
