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Physical Physical is one of the six primary damage types in Outward, and is commonly associated with weapons. The inverse element to Physical is Ethereal Ethereal.

Physical is the only primary element which is considered "non-elemental", and also the only type which is affected by Protection Protection, and not affected by Barrier Barrier.

Physical Skills[]

The following skills or skill combinations specifically relate to the Physical element.

Physical Effects[]

Physical Enchantments[]

The following enchantments grant bonus Physical damage:

The following enchantments grant physical defense:



Show/Hide table
IconNameDamageImpactImpact ResistProtectionBarrierStaminaSpeedDamage Bonus%Mana CostWeightEffectsClass
Ancient Calygrey MaceAncient Calygrey Mace The Three Brothers34 Physical
24 Lightning
51 Impact4.4 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed7.01H Mace
Ancient Calygrey StaffAncient Calygrey Staff The Three Brothers30 Physical
45 Impact6.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed20% Lightning
20% Frost
-20% Mana Cost5.0Staff
Angler ShieldAngler Shield The Three Brothers55 Physical
55 Impact19% Impact1.0 Attack Speed8.0SappedShield
Assassin ClaymoreAssassin Claymore24 Physical
33 Impact6.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Slow Down
2H Sword
Assassin SwordAssassin Sword18.25 Physical
6.25 Decay
19 Impact4.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2.0Slow Down
1H Sword
Astral AxeAstral Axe The Three Brothers31.2 Physical
7.8 Lightning
10 Impact5.6 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Frost
1H Axe
Astral BowAstral Bow The Three Brothers35 Physical
20 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Ethereal
10% Decay
10% Lightning
10% Frost
10% Fire
Astral ChakramAstral Chakram The Three Brothers30.4 Physical
7.6 Fire
10 Impact1.0 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Frost
Astral ClaymoreAstral Claymore The Three Brothers36 Physical
15 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Decay
7% Lightning
2H Sword
Astral DaggerAstral Dagger The Three Brothers32 Physical
10 Impact1.0 Attack Speed7% Decay
7% Fire
Astral GreataxeAstral Greataxe The Three Brothers38.4 Physical
9.6 Lightning
15 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Decay
2H Axe
Astral GreatmaceAstral Greatmace The Three Brothers37.6 Physical
9.4 Decay
15 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Frost
7% Fire
2H Mace
Astral HalberdAstral Halberd The Three Brothers32.8 Physical
8.2 Frost
15 ImpactStamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Lightning
7% Fire
Astral KnucklesAstral Knuckles The Three Brothers26.4 Physical
6.6 Decay
11 Impact2.8 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Lightning
7% Frost
2H Gauntlet
Astral MaceAstral Mace The Three Brothers32.8 Physical
8.2 Ethereal
10 Impact5.6 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Decay
7% Fire
1H Mace
Astral PistolAstral Pistol The Three Brothers72 Physical
18 Decay
10 Impact1.0 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Lightning
Astral ShieldAstral Shield The Three Brothers26.4 Physical
6.6 Frost
20 Impact18% Impact1.0 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Lightning
Astral SpearAstral Spear The Three Brothers37.6 Physical
9.4 Ethereal
15 Impact6.3 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Decay
7% Fire
Astral StaffAstral Staff The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Fire
15 ImpactStamina1.2 Attack Speed14% Ethereal
-20% Mana Cost4.0DoomedStaff
Astral SwordAstral Sword The Three Brothers29.6 Physical
7.4 Fire
10 Impact4.9 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Lightning
7% Frost
1H Sword
Beast Golem AxeBeast Golem Axe28 Physical
22 ImpactStamina0.9 Attack Speed6.0Bleeding1H Axe
Beast Golem HalberdBeast Golem Halberd34 Physical
41 Impact6.5 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed8.0BleedingHalberd
Blacksmith's Vintage HammerBlacksmith's Vintage Hammer16 Physical
35 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed2.0Elemental Vulnerability1H Mace
Bone PistolBone Pistol32 Physical
32 Ethereal
50 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0HauntedPistol
BrandBrand20 Physical
20 Frost
27 Impact4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Chill
1H Sword
Broad DaggerBroad Dagger25 Physical
32 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2.0BleedingDagger
Broken Golem RapierBroken Golem Rapier19 Physical
15 Impact3.85 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.01H Sword
Brutal AxeBrutal Axe25 Physical
24 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed6.01H Axe
Brutal ClubBrutal Club29 Physical
38 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed7.0Confusion1H Mace
Brutal GreataxeBrutal Greataxe33 Physical
36 Impact6.6 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed8.02H Axe
Brutal GreatmaceBrutal Greatmace30 Physical
47 Impact6.6 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed9.02H Mace
Brutal KnucklesBrutal Knuckles The Soroboreans25 Physical
19 Impact2.5 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed5.0Confusion2H Gauntlet
Brutal SpearBrutal Spear32 Physical
26 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed7.0Spear
Butcher CleaverButcher Cleaver13.7 Physical
13.7 Decay
13.7 Lightning
33 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed8.01H Axe
Cage PistolCage Pistol The Soroboreans90 Physical
75 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Weaken
Calygrey MaceCalygrey Mace The Three Brothers22.78 Physical
11.22 Lightning
42 Impact6.875 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed6.01H Mace
Calygrey StaffCalygrey Staff The Three Brothers27 Physical
40 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed20% Lightning
-15% Mana Cost6.0Staff
Cannon PistolCannon Pistol59 Physical
100 Impact1.0 Attack Speed3.0ConfusionPistol
Ceremonial BowCeremonial Bow The Three Brothers35 Physical
16 Impact2.99 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Bow
Cerulean SabreCerulean Sabre33 Physical
24 Impact4.55 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.01H Sword
ChakramChakram30 Physical
32 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Chakram
Chalcedony AxeChalcedony Axe The Three Brothers16 Physical
16 Frost
22 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Slow Down1H Axe
Chalcedony BowChalcedony Bow The Three Brothers25.2 Physical
4.8 Frost
17 Impact2.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0ChillBow
Chalcedony ChakramChalcedony Chakram The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
10.5 Frost
27 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Slow DownChakram
Chalcedony ClaymoreChalcedony Claymore The Three Brothers19.5 Physical
19.5 Frost
35 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Slow Down2H Sword
Chalcedony GreataxeChalcedony Greataxe The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Frost
33 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Slow Down2H Axe
Chalcedony HalberdChalcedony Halberd The Three Brothers17.5 Physical
17.5 Frost
37 Impact6.25 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Slow DownHalberd
Chalcedony HammerChalcedony Hammer The Three Brothers19 Physical
19 Frost
43 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Slow Down2H Mace
Chalcedony KnucklesChalcedony Knuckles The Three Brothers14 Physical
14 Frost
15 Impact2.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Slow Down2H Gauntlet
Chalcedony MaceChalcedony Mace The Three Brothers17.5 Physical
17.5 Frost
35 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Slow Down1H Mace
Chalcedony PistolChalcedony Pistol The Three Brothers68.4 Physical
21.6 Frost
60 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Slow DownPistol
Chalcedony SpearChalcedony Spear The Three Brothers18.5 Physical
18.5 Frost
28 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Slow DownSpear
Chalcedony SwordChalcedony Sword The Three Brothers15.5 Physical
15.5 Frost
25 Impact4.375 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Slow Down1H Sword
Challenger GreathammerChallenger Greathammer65 Physical
65 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Rage
2H Mace
Chimera PistolChimera Pistol90 Physical
70 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2.0Elemental VulnerabilityPistol
Cleaver HalberdCleaver Halberd28 Physical
41 ImpactStamina0.9 Attack Speed8.0Halberd
Cloth KnucklesCloth Knuckles The Soroboreans12 Physical
ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed0.52H Gauntlet
Compasswood StaffCompasswood Staff12 Physical
12 Fire
41 Impact6.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed20% Fire
-20% Mana Cost5.0Staff
Coralhorn BowCoralhorn Bow34 Physical
16 Impact3.96 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0PainBow
Cracked Red MoonCracked Red Moon The Three Brothers25 Physical
40 Impact6.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Fire
Crescent GreataxeCrescent Greataxe27.75 Physical
9.25 Ethereal
33 Impact6.9 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed4.0Elemental Vulnerability2H Axe
Crescent ScytheCrescent Scythe23.25 Physical
7.75 Ethereal
41 Impact6.3 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed4.0Elemental VulnerabilityHalberd
Crimson ShieldCrimson Shield39 Physical
58 Impact19% Impact1.0 Attack Speed7.0Shield
Crystal StaffCrystal Staff15 Physical
15 Ethereal
31 Impact6.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed-10% Mana Cost6.0Staff
Damascene AxeDamascene Axe The Three Brothers41 Physical
27 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Increases the damage of weapon skills1H Axe
Damascene BowDamascene Bow The Three Brothers40 Physical
18 Impact3.105 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Increases the damage of weapon skillsBow
Damascene ClaymoreDamascene Claymore The Three Brothers48 Physical
42 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Increases the damage of weapon skills2H Sword
Damascene GreataxeDamascene Greataxe The Three Brothers48 Physical
42 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Increases the damage of weapon skills2H Axe
Damascene HalberdDamascene Halberd The Three Brothers40 Physical
47 Impact6.75 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Increases the damage of weapon skillsHalberd
Damascene HammerDamascene Hammer The Three Brothers50 Physical
54 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Increases the damage of weapon skills2H Mace
Damascene KnucklesDamascene Knuckles The Three Brothers33 Physical
17 Impact2.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Increases the damage of weapon skills2H Gauntlet
Damascene MaceDamascene Mace The Three Brothers38 Physical
43 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Increases the damage of weapon skills1H Mace
Damascene SpearDamascene Spear The Three Brothers42 Physical
29 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Increases the damage of weapon skillsSpear
Damascene SwordDamascene Sword The Three Brothers38 Physical
25 Impact4.725 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Increases the damage of weapon skills1H Sword
De-powered BludgeonDe-powered Bludgeon The Three Brothers26 Physical
36 Impact7.15 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7.02H Mace
Desert KhopeshDesert Khopesh22 Physical
17 Impact4.025 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3.01H Sword
Dragon ShieldDragon Shield13.8 Physical
9.2 Fire
43 Impact15% Impact1.0 Attack Speed8.0BurningShield
Dreamer HalberdDreamer Halberd22.5 Physical
22.5 Ethereal
48 ImpactStamina1.1 Attack Speed6.0Halberd
DutyDuty The Three Brothers40 Physical
44 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed8.0Burning
Holy Blaze
-10% Stamina recovery rate
Enchanting Table ShieldEnchanting Table Shield The Soroboreans15 Physical
34 Impact1.0 Attack Speed5.0SappedShield
Experimental ChakramExperimental Chakram The Three Brothers45 Physical
45 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2.0Chakram
Fabulous Palladium ShieldFabulous Palladium Shield32 Physical
51 Impact17% Impact1.0 Attack Speed7.0Elemental VulnerabilityShield
Fang AxeFang Axe22 Physical
18 Impact4.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3.0Bleeding1H Axe
Fang ClubFang Club26 Physical
28 Impact4.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.0Bleeding1H Mace
Fang GreataxeFang Greataxe29 Physical
27 Impact6.3 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.0Bleeding2H Axe
Fang GreatclubFang Greatclub27 Physical
35 Impact6.3 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed5.0Bleeding2H Mace
Fang GreatswordFang Greatsword28 Physical
30 Impact6.3 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.0Bleeding2H Sword
Fang HalberdFang Halberd25 Physical
31 Impact5.8 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.0BleedingHalberd
Fang KnucklesFang Knuckles The Soroboreans20 Physical
13 Impact2.3 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed1.0Bleeding2H Gauntlet
Fang ShieldFang Shield18 Physical
37 Impact14% Impact1.0 Attack Speed5.0BleedingShield
Fang SwordFang Sword22 Physical
17 Impact4.025 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed2.0Bleeding1H Sword
Fang TridentFang Trident28 Physical
20 Impact4.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3.0BleedingSpear
Felling GreataxeFelling Greataxe18 Physical
20 Impact5.5 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.02H Axe
Fishing harpoonFishing Harpoon17 Physical
14 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Spear
Flintlock PistolFlintlock Pistol57 Physical
45 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Pistol
Forged Glass AxeForged Glass Axe The Three Brothers42 Physical
29 ImpactBarrier5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.01H Axe
Forged Glass BowForged Glass Bow The Three Brothers42 Physical
20 ImpactBarrier3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Bow
Forged Glass ChakramForged Glass Chakram The Three Brothers48 Physical
40 ImpactBarrier1.0 Attack Speed1.0Chakram
Forged Glass ClaymoreForged Glass Claymore The Three Brothers53 Physical
40 ImpactBarrier7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.02H Sword
Forged Glass DaggerForged Glass Dagger The Three Brothers43 Physical
30 ImpactBarrier1.0 Attack Speed1.0Dagger
Forged Glass GreataxeForged Glass Greataxe The Three Brothers53 Physical
44 ImpactBarrier7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.02H Axe
Forged Glass GreatmaceForged Glass Greatmace The Three Brothers51 Physical
55 ImpactBarrier7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.02H Mace
Forged Glass HalberdForged Glass Halberd The Three Brothers48 Physical
41 ImpactBarrierStamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Halberd
Forged Glass KnucklesForged Glass Knuckles The Three Brothers40 Physical
14 ImpactBarrier2.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.02H Gauntlet
Forged Glass MaceForged Glass Mace The Three Brothers48 Physical
45 ImpactBarrier5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.01H Mace
Forged Glass PistolForged Glass Pistol The Three Brothers87 Physical
50 ImpactBarrier1.0 Attack Speed1.0Pistol
Forged Glass ShieldForged Glass Shield The Three Brothers33 Physical
51 Impact21% ImpactBarrier1.0 Attack Speed5.0SappedShield
Forged Glass SpearForged Glass Spear The Three Brothers52 Physical
24 ImpactBarrier5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Spear
Forged Glass SwordForged Glass Sword The Three Brothers40 Physical
30 ImpactBarrier4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.01H Sword
Fossilized GreataxeFossilized Greataxe The Three Brothers27 Physical
45 Impact7.15 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed5.02H Axe
Frostburn StaffFrostburn Staff The Three Brothers40 Physical
40 Impact6.875 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed20% Frost
20% Fire
-15% Mana Cost6.0Staff
Frozen ChakramFrozen Chakram22.5 Physical
22.5 Frost
44 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Elemental VulnerabilityChakram
Galvanic AxeGalvanic Axe The Soroboreans34 Physical
26 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Pain1H Axe
Galvanic BowGalvanic Bow The Soroboreans37 Physical
20 Impact3.105 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0PainBow
Galvanic ChakramGalvanic Chakram The Soroboreans35 Physical
41 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0PainChakram
Galvanic DaggerGalvanic Dagger The Soroboreans33 Physical
41 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0PainDagger
Galvanic FistsGalvanic Fists The Soroboreans30 Physical
18 Impact2.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Pain2H Gauntlet
Galvanic GreataxeGalvanic Greataxe The Soroboreans47 Physical
41 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Pain2H Axe
Galvanic GreatmaceGalvanic Greatmace The Soroboreans49 Physical
51 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Pain2H Mace
Galvanic HalberdGalvanic Halberd The Soroboreans39 Physical
44 Impact6.75 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0PainHalberd
Galvanic MaceGalvanic Mace The Soroboreans39 Physical
41 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Pain1H Mace
Galvanic PistolGalvanic Pistol The Soroboreans81 Physical
65 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0PainPistol
Galvanic ShieldGalvanic Shield The Soroboreans38 Physical
56 Impact18% Impact1.0 Attack Speed5.0PainShield
Galvanic SpearGalvanic Spear The Soroboreans42 Physical
28 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0PainSpear
Gep's BladeGep's Blade The Three Brothers22 Physical
25 Impact4.9 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed4.0AoE Ethereal Ethereal blast on hit1H Sword
Gep's LongbladeGep's Longblade The Three Brothers25 Physical
34 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed6.0AoE Ethereal Ethereal blast on hit2H Sword
Ghost ParallelGhost Parallel The Three Brothers26 Physical
26 Ethereal
34 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7.0Aetherbomb
-15% Physical Physical resistance
2H Mace
Ghost ReaperGhost Reaper24 Physical
24 Decay
50 ImpactStamina0.9 Attack Speed-15% Mana Cost7.0HauntedHalberd
Giant Iron KeyGiant Iron Key29 Physical
32 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed6.01H Mace
Giantkind GreataxeGiantkind Greataxe40 Physical
36 Impact7.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.02H Axe
Giantkind HalberdGiantkind Halberd15.5 Physical
15.5 Fire
37 Impact6.3 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Halberd
Gold BowGold Bow32 Physical
22 Impact2.76 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Bow
Gold ClubGold Club30 Physical
28 Impact4.8 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed7.01H Mace
Gold GreataxeGold Greataxe38 Physical
42 Impact6.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed8.02H Axe
Gold GuisarmeGold Guisarme29 Physical
34 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Halberd
Gold HarpoonGold Harpoon31 Physical
27 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed6.0Spear
Gold HatchetGold Hatchet31 Physical
24 Impact4.8 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed6.01H Axe
Gold MacheteGold Machete28 Physical
24 Impact4.2 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed6.01H Sword
Gold Mining PickGold Mining Pick29 Physical
34 Impact6.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.02H Mace
Gold PitchforkGold Pitchfork32 Physical
26 Impact4.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Spear
Gold QuarterstaffGold Quarterstaff28 Physical
30 ImpactStamina1.2 Attack Speed6.0Staff
Gold-Lich ClaymoreGold-Lich Claymore30.75 Physical
10.25 Lightning
39 Impact7.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Doomed2H Sword
Gold-Lich KnucklesGold-Lich Knuckles The Soroboreans20.8 Physical
11.2 Lightning
16 Impact2.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.5Doomed2H Gauntlet
Gold-Lich MaceGold-Lich Mace28.5 Physical
9.5 Lightning
38 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Doomed1H Mace
Gold-Lich ShieldGold-Lich Shield17.5 Physical
17.5 Lightning
51 Impact18% Impact1.0 Attack Speed6.0DoomedShield
Gold-Lich SpearGold-Lich Spear26 Physical
14 Lightning
24 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0DoomedSpear
Gold-Lich SwordGold-Lich Sword24.75 Physical
8.25 Lightning
23 Impact4.55 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Doomed1H Sword
Golden Iron KnucklesGolden Iron Knuckles The Soroboreans23 Physical
18 Impact2.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2.02H Gauntlet
Golden Junk ClaymoreGolden Junk Claymore The Soroboreans37 Physical
33 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed8.02H Sword
Golden ShieldGolden Shield18 Physical
41 Impact14% Impact1.0 Attack Speed3.0Shield
Golem RapierGolem Rapier39 Physical
39 Impact7.2 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4.02H Sword
Griigmerk kÄramerkGriigmerk kÄramerk54.4 Physical
9.6 Ethereal
35 Impact5.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed6.0Spear
GrindGrind The Three Brothers55 Physical
50 Impact7.7 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed15% Ethereal
15% Lightning
5.0Reduces player's Decay resistance by -15%2H Axe
Hailfrost AxeHailfrost Axe The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Frost
29 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Frost
4.01H Axe
Hailfrost ClaymoreHailfrost Claymore The Three Brothers26 Physical
26 Frost
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
6.02H Sword
Hailfrost DaggerHailfrost Dagger The Three Brothers23.5 Physical
23.5 Frost
40 Impact1.0 Attack Speed5% Frost
Hailfrost GreataxeHailfrost Greataxe The Three Brothers26.5 Physical
26.5 Frost
44 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
6.02H Axe
Hailfrost HalberdHailfrost Halberd The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
24.5 Frost
51 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
Hailfrost HammerHailfrost Hammer The Three Brothers25 Physical
25 Frost
58 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
7.02H Mace
Hailfrost KnucklesHailfrost Knuckles The Three Brothers19 Physical
19 Frost
19 Impact2.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
3.02H Gauntlet
Hailfrost MaceHailfrost Mace The Three Brothers24 Physical
24 Frost
45 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Frost
5.01H Mace
Hailfrost PistolHailfrost Pistol The Three Brothers43.5 Physical
43.5 Frost
65 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0CrippledPistol
Hailfrost SpearHailfrost Spear The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
24.5 Frost
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
Hailfrost SwordHailfrost Sword The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Frost
26 Impact4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Frost
4.01H Sword
HatchetHatchet14 Physical
14 ImpactStamina1.1 Attack Speed2.01H Axe
Horror AxeHorror Axe30.75 Physical
10.25 Decay
29 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Extreme Poison1H Axe
Horror BowHorror Bow40 Physical
21 Impact5.72 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0PoisonedBow
Horror ChakramHorror Chakram The Soroboreans34.5 Physical
11.5 Decay
45 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Extreme PoisonChakram
Horror FistsHorror Fists The Soroboreans30 Physical
10 Decay
17 Impact2.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Extreme Poison2H Gauntlet
Horror GreataxeHorror Greataxe The Soroboreans40.5 Physical
13.5 Decay
43 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Extreme Poison2H Axe
Horror GreatmaceHorror Greatmace The Soroboreans37.5 Physical
12.5 Decay
56 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Extreme Poison2H Mace
Horror GreatswordHorror Greatsword The Soroboreans39 Physical
13 Decay
47 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Extreme Poison2H Sword
Horror HalberdHorror Halberd The Soroboreans34.5 Physical
11.5 Decay
49 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Extreme PoisonHalberd
Horror MaceHorror Mace The Soroboreans36 Physical
12 Decay
45 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Extreme Poison1H Mace
Horror PistolHorror Pistol The Soroboreans60 Physical
25 Decay
45 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0Extreme PoisonPistol
Horror ShieldHorror Shield10.2 Physical
23.8 Decay
56 Impact18% Impact1.0 Attack Speed6.0Extreme PoisonShield
Horror SpearHorror Spear The Soroboreans39 Physical
13 Decay
31 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Extreme PoisonSpear
Horror SwordHorror Sword The Soroboreans29.25 Physical
9.75 Decay
27 Impact4.9 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Extreme Poison1H Sword
Inner Marble ShieldInner Marble Shield36 Physical
56 Impact18% Impact1.0 Attack Speed8.0ConfusionShield
Iron AxeIron Axe19 Physical
16 Impact4.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.01H Axe
Iron ClaymoreIron Claymore24 Physical
26 Impact6.1 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.02H Sword
Iron GreataxeIron Greataxe25 Physical
24 Impact6.1 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.02H Axe
Iron GreathammerIron Greathammer23 Physical
31 Impact6.1 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.02H Mace
Iron HalberdIron Halberd21 Physical
27 Impact5.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Halberd
Iron KnucklesIron Knuckles The Soroboreans17 Physical
11 Impact2.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.02H Gauntlet
Iron MaceIron Mace22 Physical
25 Impact4.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.01H Mace
Iron SpearIron Spear24 Physical
17 Impact4.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Spear
Iron SwordIron Sword19 Physical
15 Impact3.85 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.01H Sword
Ivory Master's StaffIvory Master's Staff33 Physical
43 Impact6.5 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed-20% Mana Cost5.0Staff
Jade ScimitarJade Scimitar12.5 Physical
12.5 Decay
21 Impact4.375 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed-10% Mana Cost3.01H Sword
Jade-Lich MaceJade-Lich Mace21.75 Physical
7.25 Decay
32 Impact4.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed-10% Mana Cost6.01H Mace
Jade-Lich StaffJade-Lich Staff12 Physical
12 Decay
41 Impact6.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed20% Decay
-20% Mana Cost6.0Staff
Junk ClaymoreJunk Claymore The Soroboreans17 Physical
19 Impact7.7 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed5.02H Sword
Kazite BladeKazite Blade The Soroboreans26 Physical
22 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Weaken1H Sword
Kazite BowKazite Bow The Soroboreans33 Physical
18 Impact2.56 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0WeakenBow
Kazite CestusKazite Cestus The Soroboreans23 Physical
14 Impact2.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3.0Weaken2H Gauntlet
Kazite ChakramKazite Chakram34 Physical
47 Impact1.0 Attack Speed2.0Chakram
Kazite CleaverKazite Cleaver The Soroboreans23 Physical
21 Impact4.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4.0Weaken1H Axe
Kazite GreatbladeKazite Greatblade The Soroboreans36 Physical
30 Impact6.3 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Weaken2H Sword
Kazite GreatcleaverKazite Greatcleaver The Soroboreans31 Physical
30 Impact6.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0Weaken2H Axe
Kazite GreathammerKazite Greathammer The Soroboreans33 Physical
36 Impact6.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0Weaken2H Mace
Kazite HammerKazite Hammer The Soroboreans26 Physical
34 Impact4.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0Weaken1H Mace
Kazite LanceKazite Lance The Soroboreans35 Physical
19 Impact4.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5.0WeakenSpear
Kazite PartizanKazite Partizan The Soroboreans31 Physical
31 Impact5.8 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6.0WeakenHalberd
Kazite PistolKazite Pistol The Soroboreans62 Physical
53 Impact1.0 Attack Speed1.0WeakenPistol
Kazite ScutumKazite Scutum The Soroboreans23 Physical
43 Impact14% Impact1.0 Attack Speed5.0WeakenShield
Kelvin's GreataxeKelvin's Greataxe29 Physical