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Disambig This article is about player-constructed buildings in New Sirocco. For a list of general buildings in Outward, see Category:Buildings.

A player placing a Building.

Building is a mechanic in The Three Brothers DLC which takes place in the city of New Sirocco. Building requires starting the A Fallen City quest. As you progress through the Sirocco quest line you will unlock more advanced buildings, and you will be permitted to place more buildings as well.


FromTheAshes 1

Josef Dumas' initial Blueprint stock

Blueprints can be purchased for a few silver from Josef Dumas, though the player will only be able to purchase Blueprints which they have unlocked so far.

To construct Buildings, use the Blueprint to start deploying it. Find stable ground and notice the deployed Building indicator turn blue, this means you can place the Building here.

When a building is undergoing construction, a Ledger will appear at the front describing the state and requirements for building to commence. The building process usually takes multiple phases to fully complete, and players must restart the building process through the Ledger for each phase.

To use an Upgrade, it is the same process as deploying a Building, except you must deploy it on top of an already constructed Building which corresponds to the Upgrade.



The Resources management menu.

By speaking to Dorion Dumas, players can manage their Timber Timber, Stone Stone and Food Food supplies by providing Funds Funds (through Silver or Gold Ingots). As the city becomes more advanced, many buildings will passively generate resources for the player as well.

  • Funds Funds are equal in value to SilverIcon silver, and players are also able to exchange a Gold Ingot for 100 funds as well. Funds are used both for construction and for upkeep costs.
  • Stone Stone and Timber Timber are only required for construction and upgrades, there are no buildings which require them as upkeep costs.
  • Food Food is only used for upkeep costs.

You only need Resources for as long as you are still building your city, after that there is no downside to ignoring them all. You are not able to withdraw funds or any other resource from the coffers.

General Tips[]

  • Do not rush into building too quickly, you are limited both in Resources and by a cap on each building type. Build only what you need to and can afford to.
    • Be mindful of the upgrade costs before deploying an upgrade. Using an upgrade blueprint but not starting construction (e.g. if unable to afford) will reduce or disable production values until construction is started. On the other hand, placing an upgrade but not starting construction may also reduce or disable its upkeep costs, while still retaining the use of its facilities.
    • Once unlocked, Specialized buildings are initially limited to 3. Plan ahead and assess which Specialized buildings are of higher priority to have built before the cap can be raised to 6.
  • It is recommended to build the City Hall near the entrance to the city, as the important NPCs will be found here.
  • Put low priority buildings (Houses and Resource Collection) somewhere out of the way, not near the entrance. You don't need to visit these once they are constructed.
  • If you would like to quickly progress time forward to speed up building, speak to Josef.

List of Buildings[]

In addition to the potential Buildings players can construct, the city comes with a Stockpile.

Blueprints can be purchased from Josef Dumas.


Players can build up to 5 Houses, which will allow you to construct more advanced Buildings, however maximum Housing value can exceed 5 as certain Buildings grant bonus Housing.

Name Housing Upkeep Costs Construction
House A +1 Housing Housing 5 Food Food per day 2000 Funds, 40 Stone, 40 Timber
House B +1 Housing Housing 5 Food Food per day 2000 Funds, 60 Stone, 20 Timber
House C +1 Housing Housing 5 Food Food per day 2000 Funds, 20 Stone, 60 Timber

Resource Collection[]

Resource Collection buildings will passively gather Stone, Timber and Food for your City.

Players can build 1 of each Resource Collection building.

Name Production Upkeep Costs Construction
Hunting Lodge 15 Food Food per day 25 Funds Funds per day Requires 1 Housing

2500 Funds, 20 Stone, 50 Timber

- Hunting Guild 25 Food Food per day 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 2 Housing

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 100 Timber

- Hunting Hall 45 Food Food per day 75 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

2500 Funds, 75 Stone, 200 Timber

Mason's Workshop 4 Stone Stone per day 25 Funds Funds per day Requires 1 Housing

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 20 Timber

- Stonecutter Guild 6 Stone Stone per day 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 2 Housing

2500 Funds, 100 Stone, 30 Timber

- Stonecutter Hall 8 Stone Stone per day 75 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

2500 Funds, 100 Stone, 50 Timber

Woodcutter's Lodge 4 Timber Timber per day 25 Funds Funds per day Requires 1 Housing

2500 Funds, 20 Stone, 50 Timber

- Carpenter Guild 6 Timber Timber per day 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 2 Housing

2500 Funds, 30 Stone, 100 Timber

- Carpenter Hall 8 Timber Timber per day 75 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 100 Timber


Players can eventually choose up to 6 Specialized buildings to place in their City (or more realistically, a City Hall and 5 of the other 8 possible buildings). Failure to complete a certain New Sirocco quest on time may limit Specialized buildings to a maximum of only 3.

Name Features Production Upkeep Costs Construction
City Hall Two Beds to sleep in
20 Funds Funds per day per Housing None Requires 3 Housing

1x Amethyst Geode

4000 Funds, 120 Stone, 120 Timber

Blacksmith shop Sal Dumas, Blacksmith shop

+1 Housing Housing
Equipment repairs

100 Funds Funds per day 5 Food Food per day Requires 3 Housing

1x Flash Moss

3000 Funds, 120 Stone, 60 Timber

Alchemist shop Luc Salaberry, Alchemist

+1 Housing Housing
Free Alchemy Kit to use

100 Funds Funds per day 5 Food Food per day 1x Petrified Organs

3000 Funds, 60 Stone, 120 Timber

Enchanting Guild Enchantments for equipment None 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

1x Voltaic Vines

5000 Funds, 160 Stone, 100 Timber

Food Store Brad Aberdeen, Chef

+1 Housing Housing
Free Cooking Pot to use

40 Food Food per day

100 Funds Funds per day

5 Food Food per day Requires 3 Housing

1x Digested Mana Stone

3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber

Gladiator's Arena An arena to fight in for prizes None 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

1x Bloodroot

5000 Funds, 120 Stone, 60 Timber

Chapel Owen, Healer

+1 Housing Housing

None 50 Funds Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

1x Ectoplasm

5000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

General Store Patrick Arago, General Store 100 Funds Funds per day None Requires 3 Housing

1x Chromium Shards

3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber

Water Purifier Access to Sparkling Water None 25 Funds Funds per day Requires City Hall

1x Diamond Dust

4000 Funds, 110 Stone, 70 Timber

Specialized Upgrades[]

For specialized buildings, you can only pick one of the two available upgrades. Some upgrades require a certain faction.

Upgrade Features Production Upkeep Costs Construction
City Hall

- Embassy

The beds grant Sleep: Embassy No change None Requires 6 Housing

1x Diamond Dust

6000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

City Hall

- Krypteia Hideout

Infuse Blood No change None Must be a member of Blue Chamber

Requires 6 Housing 1x Ectoplasm

8000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

Blacksmith shop

- Weapon Forge

Sal crafts Hailfrost Set weapons 150 Funds Funds per day No change 1x Diamond Dust

6000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

Blacksmith shop

- Armor Forge

Sal crafts Chalcedony Set armor 150 Funds Funds per day No change 1x Amethyst Geode

6000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

Alchemist shop

- Fletcher's Workshop

Advanced Arrows stocked

Arrowhead Kit stocked

150 Funds Funds per day No change 1x Chromium Shards

6000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

Alchemist shop

- Levantin Laboratory

Kirouac's Breakthrough No change No change Must be a member of Heroic Kingdom

1x Bloodroot

8000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

Enchanting Guild

- Expanded Library

9 more enchantments None No change 1x Ectoplasm

6000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

Enchanting Guild

- Soroborean Laboratory

Infuse Mana None No change Must be a member of Sorobor Academy

1x Digested Mana Stone

8000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

Food Store

- Inn Expansion

+3 Housing Housing

Provides an Inn to sleep in

40 Food Food per day

150 Funds Funds per day

15 Food Food per day Requires City Hall

1x Amethyst Geode

6000 Funds, 160 Stone, 200 Timber

Food Store

- Communal Garden

Free selection of Food each week 65 Food Food per day

100 Funds Funds per day

No change Requires City Hall

1x Digested Mana Stone

4500 Funds, 120 Stone, 300 Timber

Gladiator's Arena

- Training Grounds

Access to Weapon Master None 100 Funds Funds per day Requires 5 Housing

1x Petrified Organs

9000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

Gladiator's Arena

- Combat Academy

Access to Specialist None 100 Funds Funds per day Requires 5 Housing

1x Voltaic Vines

9000 Funds, 150 Stone, 150 Timber


- Temple Expansion

Increases power of Healer's buff None No change 1x Chromium Shards

6000 Funds, 250 Stone, 150 Timber


- Lotus of Light

Elatt's Intervention None No change Must be a member of Holy Mission

1x Voltaic Vines

8000 Funds, 250 Stone, 150 Timber

General Store

- Courier Wagon

Extra items in store from other regions No change 10 Food Food per day Requires 6 Housing

1x Flash Moss

5000 Funds, 100 Stone, 100 Timber

General Store

- Caravan Wagon

One-way fast travel to other cities 150 Funds Funds per day 10 Food Food per day Requires 6 Housing

1x Petrified Organs

6000 Funds, 100 Stone, 100 Timber

Water Purifier

- Distillery Unit

Free Gaberry Wines each week 100 Funds Funds per day None 1x Flash Moss

6000 Funds, 150 Stone, 150 Timber

Water Purifier

- Fountain of Life

Access to Healing Water as well None 50 Funds Funds per day 1x Bloodroot

6000 Funds, 100 Stone, 200 Timber

See Also[]
