Outward Wiki

Bows are one of the best long range weapons in Outward. They excel over other ranged weapons like Pistols due to their range and ability to manually target Enemies from a distance. Bows require arrows to be equipped in order to fire. For closer enemies there is option for an auto-lock.

Several Skills require a Bow to be equipped.

Bow Skills[]

See also: Wild Hunter

List of Bows[]

IconNameDamageImpactProtectionBarrierStaminaSpeedDamage Bonus%DurabilityWeightEffects
Astral BowAstral Bow The Three Brothers35 Physical
20 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Ethereal
10% Decay
10% Lightning
10% Frost
10% Fire
Ceremonial BowCeremonial Bow The Three Brothers35 Physical
16 Impact2.99 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2003.0
Chalcedony BowChalcedony Bow The Three Brothers25.2 Physical
4.8 Frost
17 Impact2.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0Chill
Coralhorn BowCoralhorn Bow34 Physical
16 Impact3.96 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2004.0Pain
Damascene BowDamascene Bow The Three Brothers40 Physical
18 Impact3.105 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Forged Glass BowForged Glass Bow The Three Brothers42 Physical
20 ImpactBarrier3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3253.0
Galvanic BowGalvanic Bow The Soroboreans37 Physical
20 Impact3.105 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0Pain
Gold BowGold Bow32 Physical
22 Impact2.76 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4005.0
Horror BowHorror Bow40 Physical
21 Impact5.72 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2004.0Poisoned
Kazite BowKazite Bow The Soroboreans33 Physical
18 Impact2.56 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0Weaken
Masterpiece BowMasterpiece Bow The Three Brothers45 Physical
19 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4303.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Meteoric BowMeteoric Bow The Three Brothers24.5 Physical
24.5 Fire
21 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0Holy Blaze
Militia BowMilitia Bow The Three Brothers37 Physical
28 ImpactProtection2.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0
MurmureMurmure The Three Brothers55 Physical
16 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3003.0-15% Stamina Stamina costs
-15% Physical resistance on Player
Obsidian BowObsidian Bow The Three Brothers25.2 Physical
4.8 Fire
17 Impact2.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0Scorched
Recurve BowRecurve Bow31 Physical
14 Impact2.64 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2754.0Slow Down
Simple BowSimple Bow26 Physical
12 Impact2.13 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0
Smoke BowSmoke Bow The Three Brothers37 Physical
30 Impact3.105 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3003.0Blaze
Tsar BowTsar Bow The Soroboreans50 Physical
30 Impact3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed7.0
Vampiric BowVampiric Bow The Soroboreans48 Physical
18 Impact2.99 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2503.0Leeches health on hit
Vigilante BowVigilante Bow The Three Brothers38 Physical
22 ImpactProtection3.22 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4003.0
War BowWar Bow37 Physical
25 Impact4.99 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3505.0Confusion
Wolf BowWolf Bow The Soroboreans39 Physical
16 Impact2.99 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3254.0Crippled

See Also[]
