Outward Wiki

Bombs are a type of throwable explosive made with Alchemy, exclusive to The Three Brothers DLC.

Bombs are thrown by using the item, they do not need to be equipped. They can be obtained through the Alchemy building with Luc Salaberry, Alchemist.

List of Bombs[ | ]

Blazing BombBlazing Bomb The Three Brothers0.5150 Fire Fire damage and 75 Impact Impact
Inflicts Scorched and Blaze
Flaming BombFlaming Bomb The Three Brothers0.5100 Fire Fire damage and 60 Impact Impact
Inflicts Burning
Fragment BombFragment Bomb The Three Brothers0.4100 Physical Physical damage and 80 Impact Impact
Inflicts Bleeding
Frost BombFrost Bomb The Three Brothers0.5100 Frost Frost damage and 65 Impact Impact
Inflicts Slow Down
Nerve BombNerve Bomb The Three Brothers0.590 Ethereal Ethereal damage and 200 Impact Impact
Inflicts Confusion
Oil BombOil Bomb The Three Brothers0.485 Fire Fire damage and 50 Impact Impact
Inflicts Scorched
Spark BombSpark Bomb The Three Brothers0.5120 Lightning Lightning damage and 70 Impact Impact
Toxin BombToxin Bomb The Three Brothers0.590 Decay Decay damage and 15 Impact Impact
Inflicts Plague

See Also[ | ]
