It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.
Note 1[]
(#0) Ancient note: Success! I have discovered the secret to immortality via blood magic. At last, a way to stay alive, without forsaking my humanity! I will share this gift with my apprentices, it should ensure they remain unquestioningly loyal to me. (→ end)
Note 2[]
(#0) Ancient note: There is a problem...The longer I live...The more Corruption grows within me. Fortunately, my minions bring me the blood that I need to keep it at bay...But I was wrong about their loyalty...This requires more...Direct control... (→ end)
Note 3[]
(#0) Ancient note: I was a fool. Yes, I am immortal so long as I perform the ritual when needed, but every time that I do, the Corruption spreads in me faster and faster. My human body is dying faster than I can give it new life...My minions can barely keep up anymore... (→ end)