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Outward Wiki

Axes are heavy, one- or two-handed slashing weapons in Outward that typically trade Impact for greater Damage.


Axes are used in the traps:

Axe Skills[]



List of Axes[]


IconNameDamageImpactProtectionBarrierStaminaSpeedDamage Bonus%Mana CostDurabilityWeightEffects
Astral AxeAstral Axe The Three Brothers31.2 Physical
7.8 Lightning
10 Impact5.6 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Frost
Beast Golem AxeBeast Golem Axe28 Physical
22 ImpactStamina0.9 Attack Speed3756.0Bleeding
Brutal AxeBrutal Axe25 Physical
24 Impact4.8 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed3006.0
Butcher CleaverButcher Cleaver13.7 Physical
13.7 Decay
13.7 Lightning
33 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5008.0
Chalcedony AxeChalcedony Axe The Three Brothers16 Physical
16 Frost
22 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed3004.0Slow Down
Damascene AxeDamascene Axe The Three Brothers41 Physical
27 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3504.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Fang AxeFang Axe22 Physical
18 Impact4.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed2003.0Bleeding
Forged Glass AxeForged Glass Axe The Three Brothers42 Physical
29 ImpactBarrier5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3504.0
Galvanic AxeGalvanic Axe The Soroboreans34 Physical
26 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2754.0Pain
Gold HatchetGold Hatchet31 Physical
24 Impact4.8 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3506.0
Hailfrost AxeHailfrost Axe The Three Brothers21 Physical
21 Frost
29 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed10% Frost
HatchetHatchet14 Physical
14 ImpactStamina1.1 Attack Speed2252.0
Horror AxeHorror Axe30.75 Physical
10.25 Decay
29 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2254.0Extreme Poison
Iron AxeIron Axe19 Physical
16 Impact4.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2754.0
Kazite CleaverKazite Cleaver The Soroboreans23 Physical
21 Impact4.5 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2754.0Weaken
Living Wood AxeLiving Wood Axe12.5 Physical
12.5 Ethereal
20 Impact2.8 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed-10% Mana Cost1752.0
Marble AxeMarble Axe37 Physical
29 Impact5.2 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed3506.0
Masterpiece AxeMasterpiece Axe The Three Brothers45 Physical
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3804.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Meteoric AxeMeteoric Axe The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Fire
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3204.0Holy Blaze
Militia AxeMilitia Axe The Three Brothers30 Physical
30 ImpactProtectionStamina0.9 Attack Speed3504.0
Obsidian AxeObsidian Axe The Three Brothers15 Physical
15 Fire
22 ImpactStamina1.0 Attack Speed3004.0Burning
Pain in the AxePain in the Axe47 Physical
32 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4258.0Pain
Palladium AxePalladium Axe24.75 Physical
8.25 Lightning
24 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4756.0
SandroseSandrose The Three Brothers52 Physical
35 Impact5.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed6006.0Blaze
-30% Frost Frost resistance
Savage AxeSavage Axe27 Physical
22 ImpactStamina1.1 Attack Speed3006.0Bleeding
Smoke AxeSmoke Axe The Three Brothers37 Physical
29 Impact5.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3504.0Blaze
Sunfall AxeSunfall Axe21 Physical
21 Fire
28 Impact4.6 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed4754.0Burning
Tsar AxeTsar Axe61 Physical
37 Impact6.2 Stamina0.8 Attack Speed8.0
Tuanosaur AxeTuanosaur Axe34 Physical
36 Impact5.4 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed2503.0Extreme Bleeding
Vampiric AxeVampiric Axe The Soroboreans41 Physical
24 Impact5.2 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed2754.0Leeches health on hit
Vigilante AxeVigilante Axe The Three Brothers44 Physical
35 ImpactProtection5.6 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed3504.0
Virgin AxeVirgin Axe The Soroboreans33 Physical
24 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2753.0
Warm AxeWarm Axe The Three Brothers32 Physical
35 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed2006.0
Wolf AxeWolf Axe The Soroboreans37 Physical
20 Impact5.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3505.0Crippled


IconNameDamageImpactProtectionBarrierStaminaSpeedDamage Bonus%DurabilityWeightEffects
Astral GreataxeAstral Greataxe The Three Brothers38.4 Physical
9.6 Lightning
15 Impact7.7 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed7% Ethereal
7% Decay
Brutal GreataxeBrutal Greataxe33 Physical
36 Impact6.6 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed3508.0
Chalcedony GreataxeChalcedony Greataxe The Three Brothers20 Physical
20 Frost
33 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3256.0Slow Down
Crescent GreataxeCrescent Greataxe27.75 Physical
9.25 Ethereal
33 Impact6.9 Stamina1.2 Attack Speed2504.0Elemental Vulnerability
Damascene GreataxeDamascene Greataxe The Three Brothers48 Physical
42 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4006.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Fang GreataxeFang Greataxe29 Physical
27 Impact6.3 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed2504.0Bleeding
Felling GreataxeFelling Greataxe18 Physical
20 Impact5.5 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed1754.0
Forged Glass GreataxeForged Glass Greataxe The Three Brothers53 Physical
44 ImpactBarrier7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4006.0
Fossilized GreataxeFossilized Greataxe The Three Brothers27 Physical
45 Impact7.15 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed2005.0
Galvanic GreataxeGalvanic Greataxe The Soroboreans47 Physical
41 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3256.0Pain
Giantkind GreataxeGiantkind Greataxe40 Physical
36 Impact7.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4257.0
Gold GreataxeGold Greataxe38 Physical
42 Impact6.6 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4008.0
GrindGrind The Three Brothers55 Physical
50 Impact7.7 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed15% Ethereal
15% Lightning
3505.0Reduces player's Decay resistance by -15%
Hailfrost GreataxeHailfrost Greataxe The Three Brothers26.5 Physical
26.5 Frost
44 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed15% Frost
Horror GreataxeHorror Greataxe The Soroboreans40.5 Physical
13.5 Decay
43 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3006.0Extreme Poison
Iron GreataxeIron Greataxe25 Physical
24 Impact6.1 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3256.0
Kazite GreatcleaverKazite Greatcleaver The Soroboreans31 Physical
30 Impact6.4 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3256.0Weaken
Kelvin's GreataxeKelvin's Greataxe29 Physical
29 Frost
45 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4506.0Slow Down
Marble GreataxeMarble Greataxe48 Physical
44 Impact7.2 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed4008.0
Masterpiece GreataxeMasterpiece Greataxe The Three Brothers57 Physical
45 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4306.0Increases the damage of weapon skills
Meteoric GreataxeMeteoric Greataxe The Three Brothers25 Physical
25 Fire
46 Impact7.7 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3456.0Holy Blaze
Militia GreataxeMilitia Greataxe The Three Brothers36 Physical
40 ImpactProtection6.875 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed4006.0
Obsidian GreataxeObsidian Greataxe The Three Brothers18.5 Physical
18.5 Fire
33 Impact6.875 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3256.0Burning
Palladium GreataxePalladium Greataxe30 Physical
10 Lightning
36 Impact7.2 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed5258.0
Savage GreataxeSavage Greataxe38 Physical
33 Impact6.9 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3504.0Bleeding
Smoke GreataxeSmoke Greataxe The Three Brothers47 Physical
47 Impact7.425 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3756.0Blaze
Tsar GreataxeTsar Greataxe79 Physical
55 Impact8.5 Stamina0.8 Attack Speed10.0
Tuanosaur GreataxeTuanosaur Greataxe44 Physical
45 Impact7.4 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed3004.0Extreme Bleeding
Vampiric GreataxeVampiric Greataxe The Soroboreans52 Physical
36 Impact7.15 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed3506.0Leeches health on hit
Vigilante GreataxeVigilante Greataxe The Three Brothers54 Physical
48 ImpactProtection7.7 Stamina0.9 Attack Speed4006.0
Virgin GreataxeVirgin Greataxe The Soroboreans38 Physical
34 Impact7.15 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed3505.0
Wolf GreataxeWolf Greataxe The Soroboreans43 Physical
31 Impact7.15 Stamina1.0 Attack Speed4007.0Crippled
Worldedge GreataxeWorldedge Greataxe24.5 Physical
24.5 Decay
48 Impact6.7 Stamina1.1 Attack Speed5256.0



Standard Combo
Attack Pattern Standard > Standard
Description Two slashing strikes, right to left
Full Length 1.391 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.0x DMG 1.0x Impact 1.0x Stamina
Special Attack
Attack Pattern Special
Description Fast, triple-attack strike
Full Length 1.690 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.2x Stamina
Combo 1
Attack Pattern Standard > Special
Description Quick double strike
Full Length 1.739 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.2x Stamina
Combo 2
Attack Pattern Standard > Standard > Special
Description Wide-sweeping double strike
Full Length 2.567 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.2x Stamina

Other combo patterns include:

  • Sprint attack: A unique uppercut animation with no bonus multipliers (1.0x)
  • Special > Special: Performs an attack with Combo 2's animation and multipliers


Standard Combo
Attack Pattern Standard > Standard
Description Two slashing strikes, left to right
Full Length 1.673 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.0x DMG 1.0x Impact 1.0x Stamina
Special Attack
Attack Pattern Special
Description Uppercut strike into right sweep strike
Full Length 1.409 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.375x Stamina
Combo 1
Attack Pattern Standard > Special
Description Left-spinning double strike
Full Length 3.065 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.375x Stamina
Combo 2
Attack Pattern Standard > Standard > Special
Description Right-spinning double strike
Full Length 3.612 seconds (1.0 speed)
Multipliers 1.3x DMG 1.3x Impact 1.35x Stamina

Other combo patterns include:

  • Sprint attack: A unique overhead slash animation with no bonus multipliers (1.0x)
  • Special > Special: Performs an attack with Combo 2's animation and multipliers

See Also[]
