Outward Wiki
Alpha Coralhorn
Alpha Coralhorn - DeerAlphaLoner 1AI D-
Enemy Data
Defensive Stats
370 Health
Impact Res.
30% Impact
Damage Resist
15% Physical
40% Frost
-40% Fire
Attack Stats
34 Physical
98 Impact
Found At
Enmerkar Forest

Alpha Coralhorns are a type of Wildlife enemy in Outward.


Found in the Enmerkar Forest region. They resemble deer with large, glowing red muscles.


These Alpha deer jealously protect their mates, fearlessly running down anything that appears to threaten them. To the people of Berg, managing to kill one is the mark that you've become an expert hunter.

While they are too aggressive to be tamed in the wild, if an alpha is raised in captivity from birth, it can prove to be a very capable beast of burden. Sorobor has made a steady business of doing just that, making use of these creatures to pull their trade wagons.
~ Aegix Drakan (Writer, Nine Dots)

Combat & Tactics[]

Alpha Coralhorns deal extremely high Impact impact and attack at a high speed, which can result in repeatedly knocking the player down before they have a chance to defend themselves. To break this cycle the player can block with a weapon or shield as they get up, which will prevent them from being knocked down even without any impact resistance.

They are relatively non-aggressive until provoked, usually players can just run past them if they keep their distance. Approaching a doe greatly increases the likelyhood of an Alpha Coralhorn becoming hostile. They have a resistance to Frost damage, and a weakness to Fire damage.

Drop Table[]

Guaranteed Items

Hide Hide (1)
Raw Alpha Meat Raw Alpha Meat (1)
Coralhorn Antler Coralhorn Antler (1)

Drop Table 1
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.

Empty drop55.56%
Hide Hide (1)22.22%
Raw Alpha Meat Raw Alpha Meat (1)22.22%


See Also[]
