Outward Wiki
Alchemist shop
Alchemist shop
Building Details
Build Costs
1x Petrified Organs
3000 Funds, 60 Stone, 120 Timber
Build Time
20 Days
Upkeep Costs
5 Food per day

Alchemist shop is a type of Specialized Building in Outward.


Sells potions, magical items and grenades.

Provides 100 Funds per day.
Counts as 1 House.



This Building has two upgrades, however one requires being a member of The Heroic Kingdom of Levant. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.

Fletcher's Workshop[]

Fletcher's Workshop
Adds new Arrows and Arrow Crafting materials.

Shop now generates 150 Funds per day.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 100
Timber: 200
Material: Chromium Shards
Food upkeep: 5 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

Levantin Laboratory[]

Levantin Laboratory
Provides access to a passive skill trainer, who increases max HP and physical damage.

Construction requirements:
Joined Levant
Funds: 8000
Stone: 100
Timber: 200
Material: Bloodroot
Food upkeep: 5 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

See Also[]
